Praying for you also Patricia, and please message me also if I can possibly help you- :prayer-hands: As our Father's hand is evidenced in the miraculous healings, the collateral blessing is the number of unsaved who take note. In these instances, there are those who will seek God with their hearts and answer Christ's knock at the door and invite Him into their lives. Scott and Patricia -- praying for the peace the surpasses all understanding as the two of you move through this season. Praying that the best of the best medical experts are helping both of you and that the Great Physician is guiding their thoughts and hands as they help you move through to the point of complete healing and restoration. Please keep us updated. Prayers for you both! :prayer-hands: Praying for comfort, healing, and good news for you both. Thanks to all who are praying for me! An update: I just saw the surgeon and she will do a lumpectomy in January. Lots of tests and another procedure before that. But, I am at peace. Oh for the Rapture Patricia and Scott for us al! :bible Biopsy got moved up to tomorrow at 1:30 mountain The Lord's will be done! Still speaking life! God still heals and performs miracles each day! I don't know what the Lord will do in this case, but I'll trust in His heart and His wisdom! TR Praying for our sweet sister in the Lord, Patricia! Keep us in the loop! Oh daughter of nobility! TR