Praying for the best outcome for you, Boulder. And that means complete healing! Thanks, TR! I was taken aback by your declaration, "daughter of nobility." At first, I thought, that's not me. But then I realized that yes, we are all sons and daughters of nobility if we belong to God. After all, there is a Bible verse that says those who think of Him and speak of Him often to each other, He will collect as His special jewels. Malachi 3:16-17 "Then those who feared the Lord spoke to one another, It's the biblical meaning of your name! Firstly noble, then daughter of nobility! I can see the Lord thinking of you as noble! I do! TR That's beautiful Patricia for us all! :bible I went in for my biopsy and the Dr said we'll are you ready for your prostate biopsy? I said No. I'm not sure how but they messed up my appointment. It got rescheduled for Nov 15th at 8:30 am. I did get to see the scan. The mass is about as large as a golf ball. I'm hoping its benign but fully anticipating that its cancer. The Dr said if its cancer we will remove the right kidney and I should be cancer free. I'm hoping that's the case. Thank you for the prayers. Will continue to keep you in prayer, Scott. :prayer-hands: and perhaps you not having to have a biopsy at all if we can go home before then. :flyup: Continue prayers for you, Scott! :prayer-hands: Keeping you in prayer Scott :rose:
And the Lord listened and heard them;
So a book of remembrance was written before Him
For those who fear the Lord
And who meditate on His name.
17 “They shall be Mine,” says the Lord of hosts,
“On the day that I make them My jewels."