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Thank you both Yohanan and TR. Sometimes our situations seem so incredibly overwhelming. That verse about the Lord not giving us more than we can bear... it comes to mind often, but it wasn't until recently that I realized that God doesn't give us more than we can bear when we are asking him for the strength to bear it. It seems so easy to lapse into the "I've got this" mentality because "God won't give me more than I can handle." Oh selfish pride! My heart has been heavy with this kind of pride of self. Lately, when I feel the overwhelming feeling coming, I have just been praying out to God, "I can't do this, I am watching/waiting for you to work." There always these moments in my kids animated Bibleman shows where the enemy has Bibleman pinned down under his shield under a barrage of attacks and he looks defeated - that is how I have felt this last year. So many of my friends are under similar overwhelming attacks where they feel they are barely hanging on. Your prayers are very much needed and appreciated.

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I am weak, but He is strong.  We can never rely on our strength as you say.  Another principle which is poo poo'd by many today is the principle that because He suffered, we also sometimes suffer!

Truly He was called a man of sorrows, and well aquainted with grief.  Marriage in this life isn't always easy.  I guess being the Bride of Christ wasn't made to be always easy either.

But as you have suggested, we can all intercede for one another with prayers and petitions.



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Heather, you are on the front lines of the battle teaching all those kids about Jesus and the devil hates that and this is why you’re getting attacked from all sides.

Keep up the good work and rest in Jesus.  Try not to worry about a thing.

If you find yourself physically drained you might benefit from B-12 Gummy Vitamins ... Walmart sells them.  I take 2  daily and it gives me the energy needed so I’m able to get a lot accomplished before the day ends.  Praying for you and your family.

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Back in 2010 I would have given us a 1 % chance that we would still be here in 2020

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I was expecting the Rapture back in the 70's, not based on any theological imperatives, but rather from a purely emotional perspective.

I then could never have pictured myself being married for 44 yrs.  Nor becoming a great-grandfather 3 times over!

My love of God has only increased, and my desire to gain all that Heaven offers has not diminished.  The faith that I had as a child has only matured.  Seeing the glories of Heaven and leaving behind the "uglies" of this life still indeed motivate me.  Still instilling great measures of joy and anticipation.

My joy is indeed mixed with a soberness and fear of sorts.  This life and this realm is all that man has known.  Crossing that threshold into the unknown of Heavenly spiritual life will surely be the greatest change that I or any man will ever experience.

As such, I must also admit to a certain amount of trepidation.  For mortality putting on immortality is no small thing!  As like with many who have last minute jitters before being wed, I also admit to having them.  All the more closer we get my joy and anticipation is mixed with sobering thoughts and feelings.

Just wondering if anyone else has experienced or had similar thoughts as me?!  As glorious as being resurrected into the Heavenlies will be, we shall certainly be crossing over into uncharted territory.  Just saying...and trying to be honest.

That sense of soberness and the weight of it all also acts as a confirmation of it's nearness!





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Yep ... remember the doomsday Mayan calendar hype for December 21, 2012?  I recall seeing programs in the 1990’s talking about it and it seemed so far in the future so some were speculating perhaps that would be the start of the tribulation period.  Suddenly we were in that year and we knew they badly misinterpreted the meaning.

Then it was the 2014-2015 blood moons ... now here we are ... 2020 ... looking back those 10 years really flew by ...  may 2020 finally be it! :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn

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I have no hesitation and can’t wait for the transition to the heavenly life! There is nothing holding me back to want to stay here in this world ... I want to see Jesus and know far to many who are up in heaven now vs. still here on earth.  Its depressing me knowing I’m still here. :negative:   I now would like to be in the “dead in Christ group” vs the “alive and remain”.

Back in the early 2000’s my sister-in-law mom showed me all the pills she had to take per day.  She said look at all these pills, just to stay alive?  She laughed and said she rather just skip the pill popping and be up in heaven.   She said the transition will be so quick and nothing to fear ... the last breath you take will be good bye world and the next breath is hello heaven! :whistle:

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My dad likes to say “Everyone wants to go to Heaven, but no one wants to die” and we are all the same in that regard. We don’t want to die either. We want to be raptured so we don’t have to die. When God created us He instilled in us a very powerful sense of self preservation. This is by His design or no doubt many of us would have offed ourselves by now. We all know without a shred of doubt that being with Jesus in Heaven will be incomparably better than anything in this life, yet here we are. So it’s very natural to experience trepidation about death.

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I agree God made us with a soul that will live forever and it’s not normal to wish for death.  I’m sorry to be a “Debbie downer” today ... for the past few days I’ve been receiving Christmas cards ... yeah, its January and still getting them. :wacko:   Sadly though they are from former church members that have lost loved ones this year.  These were the pillars of the church that I looked up to.  It didn’t help going to their on-line obituaries and viewing all the old pictures posted of them in their prime (1980’s - 1990’s).

Its my fault ... I have to learn not to look back and wish for the good old days but to stay focus and keep looking ahead.  I promise I will get out of this depression mood ... I will, I know I will ... especially if the rapture happens soon! 😉

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Geri, my apologies if my comments appeared to be a rebuttal to you as that was not my intention at all. If everyone in this world were a "debbie downer" like you think you are then the world would be a much happier place! The truth is, I believe ALL who truly love Jesus cannot wait to be with Him. I know I can't. My comments were only meant to ease anyone who may feel guilty about not wanting to die or feeling trepidation about it, as that is the natural instinct God has given us. You just keep doing what you're doing. I have never felt that you were in any way a "downer". If anything, you have always been a positive light on this forum and are appreciated by all.

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