TR! My brother! It is so good to see you! I still have the candle you gave me sitting in my kitchen window. I look at it every morning when brewing coffee and think of you! Hi TR! I was wondering if you would get word the site was back up. Nice to see you posting. Maranatha!!! I remember you well frim my lurking days before, TR. It brings me happiness to see you here! :yahoo: So very happy that you are here. Have missed reading your post. So wonderful to be able to fellowship with you and all brothers and sisters in Christ. Yay!! Tender Reed!! I have thought of you often and wondered how you were doing. SO glad you are still with us and I do believe your vision from so many years ago is spot on - that you will be here for the rapture! RitaMay - I was hoping you would make it back too! So glad to see you too! It's good to see EVERYONE back! :yahoo: :yahoo: Great to see you back TR and Rita May! :bye: :thankyou so good to see you all :rose: Truly words cannot express the joy and love I have for you all and for being here at RITAN. I don't think it a coincidence that we should resurrect this site in a time such as this. Seemingly counting down the minutes... TR Glad you came back, you don't know me, as I would look for your posts because I loved all the words you shared. When I was here last time, I didn't share hardly at all, but I kept up with everyone and mostly reading your posts. We need words of wisdom from someone who knows life, so keep sharing anything God gives you. Till we see Jesus coming in the sky, we keep going on...………………..
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