Looks great! Thank you, Richard, for all you do! We serve lamb, Israeli salad (cucumber, tomato, parsley, onion) matzo ball soup, asparagus (it's the ultimate spring vegetable), and flourless chocola... He has graduated! Though we mourn for him here, he is rejoicing! I will miss my friend. And TR, I know how close you two were. I am sorry for your... Tom loves the Lord and he truly loves RITAN. I remember him as a 'founding father" of RITAN and he put so much time and energy into telling others of... TR said:
"It is true than when Facebook was chosen for RITAN that activity seemed to be at a lull here at the old site."
Just want to be clear that ... I understand how you are feeling here. RITAN may not ever be what it once was back in 2008-2015. (Interesting that it was 7 years of prosperity.) Fo... I actually told my mother, a few hours after the dream, that maybe the man was a picture of Israel too. Thanks for the confirmation! Geri7, what kind of dog is that? Is it a Fox Terrier? Jack Russel? He is very cute! I had two Fox Terriers who are both gone now, but they are the... Piper is a Calvinist. Ravi is not. That needed to be clarified.
God does not orchestrate evil, He allows it to fulfill His purpose. Does that mean... I love short stories, especially ones with a message. Go for it! :yes: I think there main purposes are to:
frighten, confuse and deceive.
Fear is the absence of faith in God. The enemy takes advantage of us when we are... Welcome, Missi! Glad you joined us! So glad to see you, Boulder!
God lined it all up to get RITAN back on line. All in His perfect timing! So happy to see the ol' gang back together. I do think He has allowed mankind to have dominion over the earth and with it comes the result of sin. If He was in control of everything, then He wou... TR! My brother! It is so good to see you! I still have the candle you gave me sitting in my kitchen window. I look at it every morning when brewing... Being a nester, I find these verses comforting. There will be a place that we can call our own, live in, and decorate it according to our own personal... I am personally loving the different forums. I think it’s like visiting different rooms in a big house. Each forum room has its own subjects and perso... I love that idea! I like movies. 🙂 :popcorn
But I really LOVE rollercoaster! I hope we have a ton of them. This one is on my bucket list. Like Tom said, we will be glorified, and there will be those not glorified with their sin nature intact. So considering your question, we would have ... Heidi, I am sure you have gone through a lot and have had a lot of pain in your life. But don't let your pain cause you to reject Christianity. Are ... Yes, Tender Reed is still with us. His friend Tom said he may be joining us here. I hope he does; I have really missed him. We lost Shiloh and then...
Last seen: December 8, 2023 8:28 am