Hello Everyone, just a note that the forum will be undergoing an upgrade on December 7, 2023 starting around 6:00 am Eastern time. I expect it to take around 4 hours to complete and migrate all of the data. The site will be running but the forum won't be accessible for posting. The messaging system will remain intact as it is a separate plugin. This will be a great improvement for the forum for usability and performance. It will function very similar but will be noticeably different with more robust features for members and formatting. I have tested it for over three weeks, and I think you will find it agreeable. Looking forward to doing the upgrade and the future of this great forum. Here are some sneak peeks at how the new layout will look: Hello all, the migration completed and is stable. I still have a lot to do to get it settled in but so far so good. Things will look a bit different but will function very similar and have more feature rich capabilities. 👍 I will be working on it continually to get it settled for everyone. Thank you for your patience today with the down time. Looking good! Thank you, still sorting out some issues but seems stable so far. Thank you Todd, working on these now. Will have fixed shortly. Thank you everyone. I need to take a break and grab some dinner. I will be working on cosmetic and other issues again tomorrow but monitoring it tonight in case something comes up. Post any other issues you may be running into here and I will get them fixed. 😀 Much much nicer layout than the previous version. Thanks for all the work you guys put in to make this place! Thank you for all your hard work Richard G Thank you Richard for all the hard work on this site.