Before sundown in Jerusalem, the last trumpet will be blown, the Tekiah Gedolah.
Paul may have been referring to this final long trumpet blast when ... Israel should see the Feast of Trumpets new moon Oct. 4th Friday evening in Jerusalem. This puts it at 10:20am central time in the US. I can't imagi... this evening might be the busiest and most dangerous for Israel since Iran attacked them several months back. We are always one day closer to His ret... would the 100 be: 50 days from passover to shavuot, then another 50 days to new wine?
Thanks Rick! @rickjones427 Hi Rick, thanks for posting this! Tracking the moon is useful as it's not bound to changes that may have occurred overtime with our cal... @terry I love it that this is the exact type of community that fulfills that verse. There is zero chance of the Rapture catching all of us by complet... Acts 2:15-16
15#For these people are not drunk, as you suppose, u since it is only the third hour of the day. 2 16#But this is what was uttered ... Sounds like Israel is ready for the next step of the temple now too:
April 22nd:
Pesach / Passover - April 22-30
The Exodus of the Jews ... It sounds as if the world is expecting Iran vs. Israel to begin at any moment now. I realistically can't see anyway in which that event doesn't lead ... It looks as if Israel vs. Lebanon is imminent now. Many nations are calling on their citizens to leave Lebanon immediately. Much much nicer layout than the previous version. Thanks for all the work you guys put in to make this place! an opposite view from an author I really like that states that Psalm 83 isn't a prophecy like Ezekiel 38 is.
Definitely worth a read either way. He ... Interesting to note that out of this Ezekiel 38 conflict the only remaining powers will be the EU and the one world government lead by the antichrist ... The way I potentially see if playing out is immediately after Psalm 83 happens or even towards the end of Psalm 83 the rapture happens. This allows s... post 3
It's interesting that none of the nations mentioned in Psalm 83 are also mentioned in Ezekiel 38. Also all of the 83 nations are ones that di... post 2:
Here's the verse itself in the ESV translation:
O God, Do Not Keep Silence
A Song. A Psalm of gAsaph.
83 O God, do not keep silence;
hdo no... Today at sundown in Jerusalem marks the beginning of Feast of Tabernacles. As always Maranatha! I didn’t look through all of his website but this article was really good and shares the view about the 10 days of awe and that feast of trumpets is t... The new moon was spotted today according to renewedmoon.com so Feast of Trumpets actually began today the 16th and would go until sundown tomorrow.
I... Thanks for always bringing it back to the foundation that is in Gods Word. It’s definitely something I appreciate about our group. Ooo, you are right, acts 2:15, third hour of the day! Is that 9am then? Just relating that is the 9th of Av is related to the removal of the Temple, the only timing I can think of in regards to a specific time would be the... Still going until tomorrow at sundown.
3pm is when Christ finished his work on the cross. So 7am central time China backs two state Jerusalem capital solution.
Between this, the increasing ufo discussion, and increased talk of Ukraine joining NATO, it sure do... Been lurking for much longer than that too hehe 🙂 By the way, just for fun it was 9am in Jerusalem when Pentecost happened:
Acts 2:15 NIV
These people are not drunk, as you suppose. It’s only nine ... 3hrs until Pentecost starts in Jerusalem calendar wise. Happy Pentecost and Happy Birthday fellow members of our Church! 🙂 Found a current livestream of the wall and they are still blowing the shofar at times so clearly the tekiah gedolah hasn't happened yet. One thing I've always kept in the back of my mind is that God will most likely keep the Church here until the very last possible moment. We have alwa...
Last seen: October 17, 2024 9:21 am