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For what's it worth....

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Indeed encouraging!  The last scenario also seems to make most sense.  Wonder what those dates would be?!  TR

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Oh ok … thanks for the correction with when they entered the ark and flood waters began.    I’m not sure now why I circled the 17th :unsure:  I reckon I went a little stir crazy with the red fountain pen. :mail:

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Again, I have to believe that we could be outta here any day now!  Liking and hoping for the 11th!  Nov does seem to loom very large!  When is the last day of the Jubilee year?!  TR

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Again I will anxiously look forward to Nov 11th, just a guess in the dark!  The 17th of the second month I have a personal affinity for.   No doubt after 120 yrs, Noah and his family were pretty much done in getting the Ark ready for God to judge the world and spare only 8 souls!  I'm sure they anxiously awaited the next instructions from Him!  The same could easily be said of today.  We who await our redemption knowing God's wrath is soon to be poured out!  While the Ark characterized safety, salvation and a new beginning, so it is with the Bride and  body of Christ!  Just have to wait and see if there is a quickening in our spirits!  Hope so!!!  TR

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Tomorrow looks very promising according to this new update by Bro. Paul.

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Indeed we are experiencing an air of expectation just as like when Christ was born. For when the wise men came into the presence of Herod with the news of a messiah king being born of the Jews, he had his people check out the prophecies as to the timing of this and they verified it was so!  And prior to this angels appeared to Mary and Joseph, and to the shepherds in the fields!  As such, Noah also was given a heads up and we now find ourselves in the same boat!  We believers expecting the end of days and the judgement and destruction of the unrighteous on a global basis just as like Noah!  Again, after 120 yrs building and preaching the time came when Noah was simply waiting upon the Lord for His judgements to begin.  So too, it is today!  Moses live to be 120 yrs old awaiting the land of milk and honey!  So time today, mirrors times in the past!  Let it be!  To deny the Rapture would be like denying the flood!  TR

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I circled two more dates on my calendar.  Nov. 16th and 25th.  Some are saying the calendar in 2029 is off a month, so these new dates are if you subtract 2520 from FOT and DOA after adjusting. Geri, maybe with the 17th you were thinking ahead and noticed the new moon sliver is a spotted a day late in 2029. If we work hard at this, we can get every day circled this month!

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😂   yep … need to circle the whole month of November :mail:   Hopefully it will be a November to always remember. :whistle:


I thought this was interesting on 5 Doves … this guy has the same thoughts as you… I’m just curious how they know it was the 12th year when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit?


From Raul D

Adam ate forbidden fruit on 12th year then became mortal.  Why? Pastor Sandy is correct about the 6000 years from Adam's creation to 2017. Then 12 years later Adam ate the forbidden fruit and became mortal. God created Adam to live forever to be immortal and he only became mortal after eating the forbidden fruit.

God's 120 jubilees years started only when Adam became mortal/flesh
Gen6:3 "for they are mortal” From Tishri 10 2017 6000  years from Adam's creation
to Tishri 10 2029 when Jesus returns it's exactly 12 years there's 2 timelines. That's why it fits perfectly 2000 years from 29AD when Jesus declared a jubilee to 2029 Tishri 10 completing from when Adam became mortal 6000 years.

Yom Kippur is a month off in 2029.  Nisan 1 lands on March 17 2029 before spring equinox so Nisan really is in April making Yom kippur land on October 19, 2029 minus 2520 days = Friday November 24/25, 2022 plenty of room for Cheshvan 17 November 11 anniversary of when the flood began but Noah entered ark seven days before flood landing on November 4th possible rapture from the 4 to 25th of November.

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If for some reason known only to God that should Nov come and go without a rapture, I fear that we may be here till Pentecost next Springtime!  Still however waiting for a soon quickening in our spirits!  Blessed be the name and heart of the Lord!   Indeed, if we continue to long for His appearing, a crown is laid up for us all!  Hang in there church again it's just a matter of time until the word of the Lord is fulfilled both for the body of Christ, and for the unrighteous in the Earth!  Let remain faithful and obedient to the leading of His spirit!  Let us love one another!  And let us glory in life by the Lord, for the Lord and then with the Lord!  TR

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"In an hour we think not" .  . .    seems pretty 'clear', lately, in our stirred longing for Jesus to rapture us, is any moment  . . " Therefore  be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect". Matthew 24:44 . . . :rose:

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