Five Doves November 27th, 2022 Letters. Well Bob, Dennis, and Victor are all speaking the same language for a Dec Rapture — I will take any day and then some… It has always amazed me, the individuals who are number oriented. I know our Heavenly Father has numerical meanings embedded in scripture but I just have the brain power to eat Pi not compute with it :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: I don’t see how numerology is any different than astrology. Both are hidden knowledge and are forbidden by God. I’m all out of rapture high watch dates … Black Friday quickly came and went … I’m waiting for the next Bob Barber update and the next possible theory … :popcorn Is Hanukkah or Christmas the next date to stay alert for? Hanukkah starts on Monday and ends on Christmas Day. The 7 Candlesticks mentioned in Revelation represents the 7 churches … will the world go dark on Christmas Day or day after … if the rapture occurs on either of those days? Or do we still need to wait for the dividing of Jerusalem and the “peace and safety” speech? Over the past few days my family got quite familiar with apple, pumpkin, chocolate and berry pies.....and that would be the extent of my "pi" knowledge also.... :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: Many plausible dates have come and gone. I have no idea which day the Rapture will be! For this reason I have long been awaiting a quickening of my spirit by the Lord! Knowing that should the Lord bring this quickening, it won't be wrong! I don't spend time reviewing the possibility of His disclosure but anxiously anticipate it! Ever hopeful for the first possible flight out of here! Every date we waited upon for the last 20 yrs is still very much a possibility, not a probability! Keeping this mindset helps me through the wait and reduces false hope! TR Another possibility, from Five Doves Tony Els: Watch "Jesus ESCAPED on Hanukkah" on YouTube Rapture high days? How about any day? Never understood the need for anything extra. Especially this late in the game. But, that's just me. Five Doves from Lewis: "Next 2008 type incident imminent" Yes, one of the points mentioned after the 2006 elites' meeting in The point in my telling you this is that this sort of announcement The folks that think the calendar is one month off are watching the day of the flood, 17th day of the 2nd month. By Torah Calendar Dec. 11-12.
Toronto, Canada, was that the money to finance mortgages was being
reduced to "fight inflation" among other lies...
I immediately saw the handwriting on the wall that this reduction
in available mortgage money would send adjustable mortgage rates
skyward causing lots of home mortgage defaults. my immediate action
was to sell my mortgage-based securities. I had made money there but
it was time to get out... 18 months later, the major banks crashed...
is always made before the elite make a major move so their people in
the know can sell out before the crash happens... all this stuff about
the coming global digital currency is the latest alarm bell to their
friends that the largest money grab in the history of civilization is
about to take place...
The long-planned 1929 and 2008 crashes will be small change
compared to the global theft planned for a few months' time...
Whether God will allow this theft to occur on the elites' timetable is
anyone's guess...
We do think we know that this event will happen after the rapture
in a mid-tribulation event, as scripture seems to say that for most
people, things will seem to be normal until after the rapture...
I do hope that you all are paying attention... We are not going to
be here much longer...
Maranatha, Lewis
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