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Election Update from Unsealed.org v.6

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(@Anonymous 161)
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Listen to Simon Parkes above. It will blow you mind. He's former MI6 with connection to the CIA

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At the end of the day I really have no idea what's about to happen. I'm not saying any theory I post is right or that any theory you post is wrong. I've been reading and listening to all of the "Trust Trump and his plan" stuff for a while now but I have also been reading and listening to the other side of that coin stuff for just as long which is it's all a psyop to keep Trump supporters from taking any kind of action against a total and complete communist takeover of America.

Even Hal Turner who has been a pretty loyal Trump supporter is starting to fear the worse. He wrote this in an article he just recently posted on his site.

"If Inauguration Day, January 20, comes and goes without our US Troops around the Capitol turning and arresting Biden, Harris and about 400 or the 535 members of Congress right then and there for Election Fraud and Treason, on the spot, then buckle up folks because we're in for an unimaginable horror."

Here's the full article...


Anyway just throwing this out there as something some people think could happen.




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(@Anonymous 161)
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1. Trump was not running for just another 4 year election in 2016 - Trump was approached by the military to run and his entire win has been and still is a military operation.

2. Trump’s first 4 years was to drain the lower swamp first. The swamp was/is deep and incorporated every industry in the world, banking, movie, pharmaceutical, food, you name it they controlled it; much has been handled.

3. Barack Obama before leaving office signed an executive order to pardon anyone prior of any crimes in the government. This is WHY no one was held accountable when the Trump took office.

4. These swamp rats could not be tried for those crimes (ie: Hillary email scandal, Clinton Foundation, FISA spying on the Trump campaign etc) ~ only crimes AFTER Obama left office could tried – therefore, new crimes had to be snared.

5. The military needed to catch them in the act committing crimes with proof.

6. President Trump said in his speech January 7th, 2021: there will be “a smooth, orderly transition of power.”

7. This in no way means that President Trump is transitioning power from his first term to Joe Biden! Did you hear him say Joe Biden?

8. We are transitioning from a defunct USA Corp to the Republic. Trump will not get a “second term” & as he tweeted, “won’t be at the Inauguration Day” ~ this means there won’t be a Jan. Inauguration. This was the last term of a President who served in the “American Corporation”.

9. President Trump dismantled the Banking Act of 1781 from England. The United States is going back to being a Republic and Donald J Trump will be the first President of the new republic with the Constitution fully intact.

10. The start date for the new Republic is March 4, 2021 ~ this was the original start date of the new President (until it was changed under FDR in 1933).

11. At the end of President Trump’s speech he said: “Our incredible journey is only just beginning.” Boom

12. No matter what it looks like, it’s all optics; Military operations have thought of everything.

13. Trump won an overwhelming victory and will be the President ~ of the New Republic.

14. The swamp rats needed to commit their crime during the last 4 years; and they have now been snared.

15. Certifying a knowingly fraudulent election as Pence and Congress just did is treason.

16. Now President Trump is still the President of the United States until January 20, 2021. He has the power to invoke the insurrection act. The Insurrection Act deals with treason at a military level.

17. Why did the president not involve the Insurrection Act before? Because it involves the military & people would have accused him of being a dictator. He has given everyone ample time to come clean with the fraudulent election: the Supreme Court, the DOJ, the courts, congress,
& the vice president. They all picked their lane for the most part and chose to certify a (knowingly) fraudulent election.

18. Many Trump supporters have been pressured and threatened by the deep state, they always have. People appearing to go against Trump have either been threatened or they are part of the deep state. People have picked their lanes.

19. Do not underestimate the President & this military operation. Trump often appears weak before he wins (read The Art of the Deal). Twitter & Facebook banning (censoring) the President ~
this gives the President the opportunity to use the Emergency Broadcast System (set up in 2018) in order to contact all Americans for what they will need to hear regarding the next steps.

20. Trump has said over and over: “we have it all (the evidence).” He has also said: “we will never surrender.” And, he said: “the best is yet to come!”

21. Do not watch or trust the MSM; they are deep state. Do not give up. Keep the faith.

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Navigating and eliminating all the smoke and mirrors of deception!

If not at least the exposing the fraud behind our government, the globalist agenda and satanic objectives!

Then, redemption of the Church!


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that #1-21 sure sounds good, but only God knows the complete future and thankfully shared the final stretch for us in scripture...i don't believe the in between stuff is to be completely revealed to us before it happens or is completely in anybody's control other than His- which includes His allowing free will to cooperate with Him or continue against Him...actually that makes me think of how y'all talk about people choosing sides/lanes between Trump or Biden & friends...interesting...well, no matter what, it feels like USA has been pulled out from under our feet because too many of built our house on a shifting sand foundation instead of Our Rock, Our Creator, Our Lord and Savior alone as our firm foundation and just stay thankful for the blessings of USA and share them and the good news with others out of appreciation to and love for the Lord...

sorry, that was kinda just a flow of thoughts that may not make much sense....i'm not counting on any happy ending other than the one promises in God's Word...but, it's nice to hear ideas of ways God may still choose to bless His people (& really the world) with a constitutional United States of America still in our lifetime...but i'd still choose the Rapture above all the blessings in the world!

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p.s. i forgot to add, too, that to me any way things go from now on, USA is in a state of vulnerability or will appear to be to our enemies at least...i just thank the Lord for His peace cuz otherwise i would be really scared right now...

the great reset and green stuff and this covid "management" is gonna wreck us...or if they really try to militarily remain in power in opposition to the fraudulent election results, i think there will be a whole lotta chaos...

sounds to me like good timing for the Ezekiel war where The Most High God will get all the glory for His supernatural work!  And i honestly think the Rapture would be right before or even during that...

everything sounds so crazy...so glad i know Who is the Truth...we gotta stay in the Word!  ya know, when you let Him, the Holy Spirit even makes Numbers interesting and relevant to us!

love in Christ y'all!  can't believe all we are witnessing!  amazing!

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one more thing...Geri, please come back!!  you were so encouraging to me, making me want to be bold and courageous and kind and loving like you when you used to talk about who all you'd witnessed to- & i did pray for them....i know the covid restrictions took some of your witnessing in person opportunities away, but you can be bold and all here with sharing your faith in God's goodness...His ways are not our ways and we don't know what's going to happen, but we do know He is always good and will always work all things together for good...please know you are loved by your brothers and sisters in Christ and hold on to the promises of His love for you, His beloved!

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Thanks for your kind words     I actually was sick for 2 days with high temps. Today I’m feeling better.  I stepped outside really quickly without a coat and the blast of cold air did me in - was chilled to the bone.

Well ... here is something interesting ... the corruption is not just in our country but worldwide.  The timing of the collapse of governments ... waiting for a man with a plan to bring unity and order.  Then multiply the troubles when the rapture occurs.

This handler is an attorney

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Note: I see articles that the Estonia PM actually resigned 3 days ago ... but today this attorney claims he has gone missing but I’m not seeing that reported on-line yet ... he must have an intel source? :unsure:

As far as the Italian government collapse ... Per Dr. Steve Pieczenik on Alex Jones show ... he said they interfered with our election so they were all rounded up and awaiting trial.

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Yes, many countries have precarious governmental situations and are on the verge of collapse. Protests and riots are increasing worldwide. The setting couldn’t be better for the Antichrist to step in and be Mr. Fix it.


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sorry you were sick, geri, will say pray you are all better and stay well!  good to "see ya" !

God sees the big picture...i can't even imagine the depth and width of evil- deceit, pride, greed, abuse etc. worldwide these days...He is so very patient with humans in general and so full of love for each and every person....also way more than i can even imagine...2 Peter 1:3...He is truly awesome!!!  it is good to have a positive expectation of seeing His good work- He will not quit being Himself...His work may just look different than we expect, but He will continue to do good for and through His followers!  It's good to have a can't wait to see what He's gonna do next attitude!  I hope and pray it's the Rapture of His Son's Bride!!! :flyup:

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