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Election Update from Unsealed.org v.5

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Here's another thought in my head,

What if the supposed 200,000 sealed indictments are really golden Wonka tickets for the underground bunkers. Maybe they will use the indictments as a cover and use the military to escort these people and their families to the bunkers where they will be safe while the rest of the military stabs everyone with the you know what and goes to battle with patriots/resisters ?


Dogg One
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Amen to that TR!

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I agree with that. They are all playing on the same team. Fake arrests and send them to their underground bunkers. Nukes then go off.

Voila. America ruined and population reduction on a grand scale.

These people are absolutely evil.

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Well, we don’t have long to wait to see which scenario will play out. Regardless, we have Jesus to eventually escort us to a much better place. The sooner the better. I am afraid we have been played due to our hopefulness. Time will tell. But this much I do know, Jesus is faithful.

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That is it, Kent! Forget Q Anon, forget Trump, forget all of them. Our faith resides in Jesus Christ alone or we are in for a huge disappointment, whichever way all of this plays out. If our hope is in a man what do we have? False hope. If our hope is in Christ what do we have? Everything!

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Leaving soon said “Here’s another thought in my head,

What if the supposed 200,000 sealed indictments are really golden Wonka tickets for the underground bunkers. Maybe they will use the indictments as a cover and use the military to escort these people and their families to the bunkers where they will be safe while the rest of the military stabs everyone with the you know what and goes to battle with patriots/resisters ?”


Hi Leaving soon, 

Regarding your theory above, I would have been on board with your theory but now I’m leaning that the arrests and jail time/executions are very real because back in Nov/Dec, since prophecy news was slow, I spent a lot of time reading declass shocking files and horrifying pictures.  I was following a few reliable twitter accounts and got an eyeful of whats been happening behind the scenes since Trump took office.  His first priority task, even before concentrating on reuniting the Middle East and getting the peace treaty in motion, was he assigned our military forces/seal teams, special ops, etc. in finding and rescuing the hostages (these are kidnapped young kids/teenagers/young adults) not only missing in America but around the world.  This will all be announced and bought to the surface very soon. All the people that were involved in crimes against humanity will be executed regardless of how famous/popular or what high end political office position they had.  If they were involved in this satanic cult crime they will be put to death. No mercy given. There is a big list of names of the famous people that I saw and they have the status next to their names ... some already say executed, others have the words in jail awaiting tribunal court, others say under house arrest (which means they have the monitoring device on their ankle or wearing a boot to cover it up) and will eventually be rounded up when the time is right.  From what it appears those who are not as popular any longer were removed and dealt with. They don’t want to cause alarm to the general public so this is where it gets complicated ... if one of these famous “beloved” people, that the world worships,  has been taken away and the world needs them to appear somewhere to speak ... then they will use a look-a-like actor, AI clones, realistic facial masks, to make it look like these people are “still” around.  And we know the MSM will never report the true news.

There are still a lot of rich people/leaders that are not involved in crimes against humanity and are for the Nesara program so I think this passage applies to them ... they will still be around to fulfill hiding in their underground shelters ...

I think this passage in Rev. 6:15-17
And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?


Note:  There is a conflict between the cabal deep state wanting their Great Reset to happen and this means removing the population vs. Trump wanting to usher in the Nesara program - to be the modern day Robin Hood by shutting down the Rothschild banking and the IRS taxing us to death,  to give back to we the people and to bring industry/jobs back to our land , etc so that we can live better lives and not live in poverty and lastly to keep us free.  I recently learned that the reason for 9/11/01 was because Nesara was supposed to be launched at that particular day and the cabal deep state didn’t want it to happen because they want to bring in their own GREAT RESET.  In the twin towers and in building 7 ... I heard the gold money was stored in a secret compartment vault in the basement.

I think Trump is going to succeed. He said he caught them all.  His last task now is rounding up the MSM news reporters.  And then the Nesara program will be launched VERY soon.  And this is why Nancy and company are trying their hardest to stop it at all cost.  However, the world is not counting on the rapture to happen.  I lean that Trump, along with General Flynn, Mike Pompeo and a few more in his cabinet are believers so they will be raptured out with us and Nesara system will be in place for the AC to take over.  You just need one evil person at the helm to enslave the world once more.

Well, those are my thoughts.


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I'm with Yohanan!  Forget all this political intrigue and theater!  Forget star charts and dreams! Forget  visions and dreams!

Let our hearts seek His presence and glory!  Let us overwhelm His heart by seeking our prayer closets, and His whispered words!  Let us seek the wisdom and council of the blessed Holy Spirit!

With every waking moment let us pour our hearts out before the lord!  Pray for forgiveness and guidance! And submit ourselves to His will


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I just imagine that some sort of peaceful situation needs to arise so that we are eating, drinking and giving in marriage prior to the Rapture; and that Israel is dwelling peacefully prior to G/M war. It's difficult to imagine that with all that Biden is promising in his first days which would include more lockdowns and restrictions.

It would be nice to see some temporary justice happen in our USA, prior to our departure because our very souls that the Lord has placed in us crave it so. We know that true righteousness will never reign on this earth until King Jesus is seated on His rightful throne and of this we have no doubt.

Perhaps the fear of going to prison or military tribunals would cause even Pelosi and others to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus, since we know that He is longsuffering not wishing that any should perish.

Either way, the enemy does not have any plans of giving up... so whether Biden is inaugurated or Trump remains in office....the enemy will continue to seek to steal, kill and destroy and we will have a very divided nation.

Let us pray that the will of the Lord will be done so that as many as can be saved will be prior to the Rapture, and that we are strengthened by His love, and live our lives with His love for others, and rest at night with the peace that passes understanding.

Love my siblings here! we are almost home! :rose: :flyup:


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Our Heavenly Father has lovingly been chiseling away the false securities people put their hope in...even His own children are prone to elevate false gods above Him in our hearts and minds at times...i have put too much time, emphasis, trust and reliance on my own efforts to obtain information/knowledge, analyze it, and then in my own understanding apply it...even when it's been for very good purposes (ex. medical conditions of a loved one, etc.) it can be an idol, replacing my acknowledgment of Jesus on the throne of my life...

during 2020 and this year so far, I believe the Lord has removed that ability from me...for my own good...to make me fully surrender to trust in Him...to grow my faith in Him alone...

I had been seeing His work in shaking faulty foundations in those who have rejected Him, but wasn't fully repenting of my own tight grip on additions to Him alone being my King...dying to self- including indulging my fleshly desires for a sense of control by having accurate information etc...

Anyway, please allow our Heavenly Father's refining in whatever areas He wants to make more like Jesus...it is out of love and it is truly freeing when we trust and bend with His gentle touch, listen for the still small voice of Holy Spirit as we read His Word, He molding us into more useful vessels for His good purposes and glory...

I believe His Word, and it says in James 1:5 that He will give us wisdom...I just think He sometimes withholds what we think we need (for me it was accurate information for my purposes) when He knows of something we need even more (His peace that passeth understanding- faith in Him alone, etc.)  I believe He will let me know what I need to know when I need to know it- for His purpose, in his timing...and He is giving me the peace to let go and trust Him alone...He will give me wisdom and discernment and guidance as it is needed....in the meantime I am to trust and love Him with all of me!

Remember Proverbs 3:5-6!  And I will pray Romans 15:13 for all my brothers and sisters in Christ all over the world!!

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Amen Gratefulforgrace!  ❤️

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