The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has downgraded the severity of the Chinese coronavirus to the same status as the flu, calling for a “unified approach” to treating such conditions. In a press release on Friday, the CDC announced it was simplifying its recommendations for treating COVID because the virus no longer presents a significant threat. This month marks the four-year anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic and the consequent hysteria that followed. Yet its devastating consequences, be they political, economic, social, and on public health are still affecting the lives of billions of people around the world. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/03/cdc-downgrades-covid-same-severity-as-flu-says/ Dengue fever, carried by mosquitoes, is swamping the populations of Brazil and Peru, Argentina, Laos and causing major concerns in other parts of the world. It has spiked fourfold in Brazil just this year following the release of millions of gene-edited mosquitos by the World Mosquito Program run by the United Nations. Vaccines are being produced and distributed on a timetable pushed by the urgency of the events, and multiple deaths already are being reported. The Guardian reported there have been nearly a million cases in Brazil, and almost the same number in Peru. Government officials say there already have been dozens of deaths. The ailment is spread by mosquitoes, which were described in an International Business Times report as the "most dangerous animal in the world." It was the United Nations that previously cited a World Health Organization warning that more than half of the world was at risk from mosquito-transmitted dengue fever. The U.N.'s response was to work with technology to create millions of "sterilized pests" and then release them, a campaign which reached Brazil only months ago. "Countries have already started like Italy, Greece and Mauritius, and others are on the point of doing it, for example, the United States, France and Brazil," said Jeremy Bouyer, medical entomologist at the Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, a joint International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) / Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) initiative. Officials were blaming "global warming" as well as El Nino rain patterns that have brought extra moisture to Brazil this year. Jamie White reported at Infowars that the U.N.'s mosquito program was funded partially by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. https://www.wnd.com/2024/02/gene-edited-mosquitos-get-released-now-dengue-fever-rockets-400/ Just another scam where they create the problem and then provide THEIR solution. Apparently, the lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic haven’t been learned. Dangerous biolab experiments continue – humanity be damned. Chinese scientists have engineered a virus with parts of Ebola in a lab that killed a group of hamsters. A team of researchers at Hebei Medical University used a contagious disease of livestock and added a protein found in Ebola, which allows the virus to infect cells and spread throughout the human body. The group of hamsters that received the lethal injection ‘developed severe systemic diseases similar to those observed in human Ebola patients,’ including multi-organ failure,’ the study shared. The results of this study were predictably horrific: One particularly horrific symptom saw the infected hamsters develop secretions in their eyes, which impaired their vision and scabbed over the surface of the eyeballs. According to the National Institutes of Health, a decade ago, Ebola ravaged parts of Africa. Ebola has an average fatality rate of 50 percent: Ebola virus disease, once known by, Ebola hemorrhagic fever, is defined by the iconic hemorrhagic fever, but more common symptoms are non-specific such as fever, malaise, headache, diarrhea, or vomiting. The disease can quickly progress to multi-organ system failure leading to shock followed by death. The case-fatality rate ranges from 25% to 90%; the average case fatality rate is about 50%. But lab leaks happen, and these incidents could lead to the spread of to those outside of the lab. Experts have confirmed that respiratory viruses – which are [spread] via coughing and sneezing – are more likely to spread widely through a population. Data released this March revealed that lab leak incidents occur every year and included the release of controlled pathogens like tuberculosis and anthrax. There are anywhere from 70 to 100 releases recorded every year. Romans 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, During the vaccine rollout, all who were skeptical of the vaccine sensed something was awry — despite catching COVID and having natural immunity, as such was the case for previous viruses, the vaccine was STILL relentlessly pushed by media figures, public programs, and the mainstream media. Now, Dr. Peter McCullough has uncovered GROUNDBREAKING information about Doctors’ true intentions behind pushing the COVID “vaccine.” So, how much did it cost to buy off the medical establishment? See the short video. Ignore the commercials. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/bombshell-dr-peter-mccullough-reveals-drs-were-being/ Over here in South Africa we're in the first stages of winter. This morning it was so cold, I even saw a doctor with his hands in his own pockets. There is not only evidence for the uselessness of much medical research: there are also sound indications that many developed countries have reached a point of over-medication which is harmful to health. In addition, there is evidence that medical research has actually detracted from the quality of life, causing ethical problems and using funds which could be better used on projects more likely to contribute to good health. Indeed, there is not only evidence for the uselessness of much medical research: there are also sound indications that many developed countries have reached a point of over-medication which is harmful to health. As Dr. Vernon Coleman pointed out in his book ‘Coleman’s Laws’, if a patient has two conditions – two diseases – there is a very good chance that one of those diseases was caused by the treatment for the other. Most developed countries now spend a huge proportion of their Gross National Products on health care but through a mixture of ignorance, incompetence, prejudice, dishonesty, laziness, paternalism and misplaced trust doctors are killing more people than they are saving and they are causing more illness and more discomfort than they are alleviating. Most developed countries now spend around 1% of their annual income on prescription drugs and doctors have more knowledge and greater access to powerful treatments than ever before, but there has probably never been another time in history when doctors have done more harm than they do today. If doctors really did help people stay alive then you might expect to find that the countries which had most doctors would have the best life expectation figures. But that isn’t the case at all. My view may sound startling and controversial but it is a view shared by a growing number of independent experts around the world. These figures hardly support the image of doctors as an effective healing profession. Whatever statistics are consulted, whatever evidence is examined, the conclusion has to be the same. Doctors are a hazard rather than an asset to any community. The British were never healthier than they were during the Second World War. https://expose-news.com/2024/05/15/many-countries-are-over-medicating/ I don't take any prescribed medications.CDC Downgrades COVID to Same Severity as the Flu… But Says You Must Keep Having Vaccines:
Gene-edited mosquitos get released, now dengue fever rockets by 400%:
Program got $50 million from Bill Gates, now populations urged to vax up.
The Madness Continues: Chinese Scientists Create Mutant Ebola Virus:
BOMBSHELL: Dr. Peter McCullough Reveals Drs. Were Being BRIBED To Push Vax | Beyond the Headlines:
Many countries have reached the point of over-medication: