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Confused about Conflicting Dates of Pentecost

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Maese Rete
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Yes,  the story of Ruth happens during the barley harvest, which is mostly the second month of Iyar, when the Sun is in Taurus.

Now, read chapter 3 of Ruth, and then look at how the crescent moon aligns tonight with star Arcturus, in the constellation of Bootes (Boaz), and star Spica, in the constellation of Virgo (Ruth). Not sure others, but I find this amazing.


Boaz did not redeem Ruth until the next day, at least, so I don't think today, or tomorrow, is the day.

But I think has to be sooner than Pentecost in June, hopefully before or during the blood moon on May 26. Looks like the dark side already knows, better than us, that something is going to happen, and has a deception ready for it. Watch the end of this video about the Pleiadians at:

(Disclaimer: I personally find these videos spiritually disturbing :wacko: )

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There is a blood moon May 26th and then a solar eclipse on June 10 that could fulfill Acts 2:20.  I think it is interesting that the last half of Joel's prophesy that the sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord was spoken by Peter on Pentecost and is still waiting fulfillment.  Then these solar and lunar eclipses are in the Pentecost season. If you don't like it that the lunar eclipse comes first in this time period, we could look at the solar eclipse that came last December 14, 2020 at Hanukah combined with the blood moon May 26 as being our sign.

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I love what you did with your kids!

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My daughter's birthday is the 20th too!

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I get freaked out watching some of these dark side videos.  Arthur, can you tell us what it said?  Is there a date they are expecting, or a celestial event, or just a year?

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Will watch later. Yeah, the demons and fallen angels must be pacing back and forth like caged lions, waiting for the Tribulation to start.

Thanks for the heads up warning, btw.

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I watched it. It certainly is disturbing. There was a person who was channeling a demonic spirit. They used all the standard new age mumbo jumbo. Get on the right vibration, waking up, etc.

They said the earth is like a bag of rice. There are rotten grains in the bag and little stones and sticks. These need to be removed. They referring to this as the winnowing process. Then you'll be left with only good grains.

So, these horribly deceived new agers are also waiting for the Rapture. They say May 26th is the opening of a window for a 76,000 year cycle. Personally, they haven't got a clue and are just taking shots in the dark.


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I probably didn’t ask my question correctly, so I did my on research and found my answer as to the significance of the constellation of Gemini and it’s correlation to prophecy  ....

Gemini, I’ve always known as the twins and that is from Greek mythology, but further back per JR Church, Denderah of the Zodiac of ancient Egypt it represents a man and woman. In Coptic language Gemini means Pi-mahi or “The unity” or Christ and His Bride. And there would be why the Gemini constellation is important to be in alignment during what watchers feel to be the season of our rapture. :yahoo: :prayer-hands:

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I have a golden pendant necklace that my dad gave me as a gift when I was 18.  He got it when he was working in Saudi Arabia and it is the sign of Gemini since I was born in June. I haven't worn it since I gave my life to Christ because I thought the zodiac was a bad thing.  Now maybe I should get it out and wear it until we leave this place so that I have a story to tell folks about how it represents Christ and His bride!  Thank you Tammie!

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Opening of a window sounds like Pentecost.  But I think it will be a door.

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