Comic Relief: A Fla...
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Comic Relief: A Flashback to an August 2016 Post on Rapture Schizophrenia

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I was looking for an old file on a thumb drive today and stumbled across this old Ritan post dated 8/17/16, or almost four years ago.  It was a post about what a day in the life of one afflicted with what I have coined rapture schizophrenia looks like.  It made me I thought I would share it here:

So I had one of those days that I periodically experience what I will refer to as “rapture schizophrenia”. You know, the kind of day that starts out with seemingly lofty contemplation of topics like the geo-political alignment of the Ezekiel 38 coalition or the timing of the final Jubilee, but then is quickly hijacked by a combination of the mundane responsibilities of life, the tyranny of the urgent at work, and the “fellowship” of people who act like life is just going to continue on like it is now forever, such that the collective impact of these three factors leaves you wondering in your natural mind if those people might be right. I don’t really believe that in my spirit, and thus the schizophrenic part of “rapture schizophrenia”.


Then, as I walked in the door from work, I was greeted by a ripped-open package of uncooked spaghetti that one of our dogs had helped herself to and strewn across the living room floor while no one was home. (Good news: it was gluten free, so no risk of celiac reaction for our behavior-challenged golden doodle. Although actually, to the best of my knowledge, my dog is not gluten sensitive. But I digress.)


As I sat on the living room floor, still in my business casual work clothes, and methodically picked up as many broken noodles from the carpet as I could pull out of the thankfully short-shagged rug, I found myself wondering if life was just going to continue like this forever. I had to remind myself of the unprecedented convergence of biblical signs taking place today, like Israel approaching 70 years back in the land or technology that now exists to support a one-world cashless society driven by computer chips in people’s hands or foreheads, or the United Nations’ blueprint for a new world order, or….on and on.


Then, following that recitation in my mind, I find myself confronted with another mundane decision. Do I throw the spaghetti out, or, in the name of good stewardship, cook what is salvageable. After all, a large number of the noodles were fully intact and, as best as I can figure, there’s probably nothing going on that 9-11 minutes of boiling water can’t fix. (Don’t worry, I would never serve such a thing to you if you ever just happen to stop by for dinner.) Anyway, now that I have changed my dinner plans, I am jumping on to RITAN to author serious posts about the return of the Bridegroom for His Bride, us.


And now perhaps you understand why I characterize today as a bit of “rapture schizophrenia”. Caught between two worlds. Maranatha, Lord Jesus.


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Hear ya.

Kinda like having two feet firmly planted on the ground then having the earth split open between them!

One land mass going one way and the second going the other.  Oh my!


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It is so true —- our neck of the woods has not seen any of the “big city” upheaval, for which I’m thankful, yet makes you wonder if this is yet another of the media scam. Our COVID-19 self quarantine has actually resulted in allowing me a bit of rest from a very hectic occupational hazard, so again, not having seen much of what is going on around me, you question the validity of the reality of the goings on in the wide world... all in all its truly like living in a bubble and watching the news unfold in this crazy slow unreal drama. As each day has marched on, it is very easy for one to digress to one side or the other of the series of events and wonder if you too are just part of a big screen reality show. Sort of like that movie with Jim Carrey, The Trumann Show! Except for one huge and wonderful factor, 2 Tim 1:12 “which is why I suffer as I do. But I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed, and I am convinced that he is able to guard until that day what has been entrusted to me.” ; Romans 13:11 “Besides this you know the time, that the hour has come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed.” And Psalm 121:1 “My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.” And lastly, Hebrews 10:25 “....but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”


Posts: 8052
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Thankfully we indeed can see the day drawing nearer!  And that's an awesome statement by itself!

Remember Hezekiah 3:16, God has it covered!

