Also, in the verse that Maese Rete posted above, Rev 17:10 "and they are seven kings; five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; and when he comes, he must remain a little while". The latter part about "one is, the other has not yet come and when he comes he must remain a little while". Doesn't that sound like where our country is right now. The Corporation of the United States, owned in part by the the Woman who sits (Vatican), is the one is, and Trump's America is the one not yet come and will remain a little while. After Trump is raptured, Rev 17:11 "The beast which was and is not, is himself also an eighth and is one of the seven, and he goes to destruction". God is still using Trump to fulfill scripture. Against anything that delays the Rapture! I guess both could happen together, or just the Rapture without political justice! TR I said it before on here that if the v really is as bad as some people say it is then it will be interesting to see if God slows down or even stops the roll out until our departure. Lots of interesting info in this video, with some Christian perspective too: https://rumble.com/vd59zz-lin-wood-fireside-chat-9-is-joe-biden-really-the-president-of-the-u.s-2-oth.html?mref=2hzb1&mrefc=2 Thank you, Amy. Lin Wood has amazing faith. Not quite so sure about Lucian Lincoln "Lin" Wood Jr. Hope I'm wrong. Does NESARA or the great reset lay out the plans for 10 kings? Is there a map? I hear the UN has put out a couple of maps already identifying the 10 regions! Do ya think that's a coincidence?! TR I will confess that I have not listened all the way through all of the videos above, but could it be that whether Biden is labeled president or not would have no significance if Trump was already planned to be leader of North America? Could this be the way that Trump is coming back in some way? I think if so, Trump would be fighting the beast kingdom, but possible later one would come that would give power over to it.