Simon Parkes above is former British Intelligence MI6. Dr Charlie Ward was a global Gold Broker and Transporter. Just when you thought it was over. I for one was devastated when I didn't see arrests at the inauguration but have hope there is talk that Biden and his cronies will still be arrested in the next 30 to 60 days and that Trump will still be inaugurated after mass military arrests on the true Inauguration day of March 4th. Here's what I have read and heard. #1. There were supposed to be mass arrests on inauguration day but there was a nuclear threat. That's why military ships were lined up on both coasts and military planes were scattered and actual surface to air nuclear missiles were placed throughout the US. It was Trumps decision and he decided not to arrest people that day due to the nuclear threat and so he "pushed it off." Melaina Trump Tweeted on Telegram similar to Twitter. "It has been pushed." Meaning the arrests. https://globe.adsbexchange.com/ Hit U at the top of the site above to view current military planes in flight. Its kind of cool to watch in real time. You can also click on the plane to see its altitude, the type of plane and where its flying. #2 The military knows Biden cheated. They knew before the election. #3 The military will not work with Biden in fact his military requests are being turned down. Biden is also not allowed inside the Pentagon #4 Biden is the only presidential elect candidate that did not have a US plane sent for him for inauguration. Biden had to fly a private plane to Wash Dc. #5 In videos from the presidential limousine on inauguration day. The Military turned their backs on the presidential motorcade. #6 There is talk that part of the inauguration was pre taped. #7 There is talk that there is over 200,000 military indictments waiting to be handed out throughout DC. And will be over the next 30 days. #8 When Kennedy was assassinated he tried to take the United States out of the Federal Reserve and put us back on the global standard he was shot and killed by the global elite / the cabal. Not Oswald. #9 When Kennedy was killed over 200 military generals formed an alliance. They knew our government was corrupt but they knew it would be decades before they could help assist a president that was put into office by cabal to put us back into the gold standard and out of the federal reserve. #10 Trump was and is that President. For the last 4 years this military alliance has been working with Trump to put us back on the Gold Standard. In 2016 Trump declared a state of emergency knowing that election fraud would occur in 2018. #11 So how has our country become soo corrupt. Simple Mayors, Governors, Secretary of States, Congressmen, Senators at every level are bribed and or threatened with death if they do not follow the cabals demands. Its rather simple. The cabal use the United States and their congress to wash money globally. Just like this last bill where millions went to strait bizarre countries. #12 Did you ever ask yourself why "the people" of the United States do not know who the bankers are of the Federal Reserve? #13 Military Troop levels in DC are increasing not decreasing for the mass arrests, DC has literally become a caged encampment. #14 If you looked at the faces of those that attended the inauguration they looked strait depressed. Especially Obama. They know time is short in my opinion. #15 Child Pornography, Child Rape and the Child Slave Trade industry are a huge part of the cabal and Trump's goal since he's set foot in office is to expose it and shut it down. This may be hard to hear but the following individuals have been linked to Child Trafficking, the Vatican, Angela Merkel and Germany, Cheif Justice Roberts, the Vatican Bank, the Biden Family, Mike Pence, and the Clintons. Oddly I have not read that Obama is a part of it but wouldn't be surprised #16 China, Iran and Italy are neck deep in election fraud through various forms. China and Iran used online hacking to manipulate the voting machines and tallies through Dominion. Italy used military satellites. #17 Italy has confessed and even sent letters to each house member and senator prior to the election fraud vote that they were a part of election fraud. Italy has also arrested many members of their parliament and staff surrounding the parliament. I have read that Trump made a deal with them to be discussed later. #18 Nesara National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA) was a set of proposed economic reforms for the United States suggested during the 1990s by Harvey Francis Barnard. Barnard claimed that the proposals, which included replacing the income tax with a national sales tax, abolishing compound interest on secured loans, and returning to a bimetallic currency, would result in 0% inflation and a more stable economy. #19 Trump if put back into office has stated that he will use NESARA to bankrupt the US. China due to their election fraud will lose all property in the US and its bonds will not be repaid. Essentially CHINA will go bankrupt as well. #20 Trump has already spoken to several countries and agreed to a NESARA agreement. Countries such as India have already agreed to it. So you have either Trump with NESARA where global debt is eliminated and a new currency is put into place. In this example the Cabal or "the Rothchild's" would cease to exists. Or you have Biden and the Cabal where there is a global banking reset with the existing global banks but debt is restructured and the cabal is eliminated. We are truly in a battle of good versus evil. I would propose and argue that what I am saying is almost 100% accurate minus several details. SO WHAT DOES IT MEAN? To me it means if Trump is elected there will be a small reprieve of time or governance under a spirit led administration with a global reset under NESARA. If a satanic Biden administration is allowed to remain. There will be a cabal led global banking reset. EITHER WAY IN MY OPINION: THE FORMATION OF THE 10 KINGS OF THE BOOK OF REVELATIONS IS REALLY CLOSE AND THE RAPTURE HAS TO BE WEEKS OR MONTHS AWAY OR TONIGHT PREFERRABLY. GOD WINS EITHER WAY :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands: I keep saying elected? LOL It is reported that Trump has close to 80% of the vote and even won California. I mean to say put back into office. https://www.bitchute.com/channel/jcOs2EA1BUJH/ I also like hearing Robert Steele's opinion's former CIA. I'm still not buying it. If it happens, great! But I am still not holding my breath. They will continue to move the timeline out to keep people engaged but at some point it will wear thin. The very fact that the general public was let in on this for some time is all the indicator I need to know something isn't right here. Lots of great sounding stories that certainly tickle the ears of any conservative, but the foundation is severely flawed. It's time to move into reality. The top rung of the military's chain of command is the commander in chief. That is now Joe Biden. There will be no military action without his order or approval. No internet yawn or video will change what is. It only serves to make Christians look silly. It was very interesting watching the video (assuming it was from the actual motorcade) with the soldiers standing with their backs to the camera. That is something you would never see if their actual Commander and Chief was in the motorcade. So let's assume there is no legitimate government is place right now, and for the next 30 days or so. Wouldn't that explain why this country is not mentioned in the Bible concerning the last days. There is not government so there is no nation. Even more exciting, doesn't that mean that the Rapture will occur while there is no United States of America, as Brother Chooch would say, just "thinking out loud". Would make for an amazing plot twist. Since this is all theatre, I could see this happening. I still see Trump winning and that "golden age" being initiated. Meanwhile the vaccine roll out and other globalist agendas will continue on and probably speed up as we get closer to our departure. The vaxxxine rollout has been slow and has hit many snags. I think this is being done on purpose.