Many of you may not follow CJ Lovik but I find him fascinating. He again validates why 2023 should be the exiting of the Bride of Christ using the Daniel 70 week prophecy and God’s revealing of an Ezekiel prophecy — very exciting indeed! Awesome!!! TR Best historical timeline I’ve seen on Daniels 70 weeks. Have not thought of counting from the end to the beginning, brilliant. And we know that the tribulation is for the salvation of the Jewish nation as well as earth’s judgement. Simply brilliant. This was the third confirmation for me. Share it far and wide! I have, it is encouraging. :prayer-hands: Exciting! So when do you think the church leaves? :mail: In the comment section: Nissan 10 … falls on Saturday April, 1, 2023 (April Fools Day) Passover falls on Wednesday, April 5th (same as in 30 AD) Easter/Resurrection Day falls on Sunday, April 9th (same as in 30 AD) I think he said that April 5th in 30 AD Christ was crucified. This being the day of atonement could we then add 2000 yrs to this date? Last week I called this the year of the cross. Hmmm?! TR Thanks Tammie. Yes, I love his presentations because they are so visual. In the science behind advertising they believe that most people (roughly 70%) are largely visually oriented in their thinking processes -- as opposed to auditory (sounds and rhythm) and kinaesthetic (awareness of body and movement). Hence these videos are a great tool to reach people who dislike a lot of reading. I can't fault his research or his math either. The only thing I'm not sure about -- and I don't know the answer to this -- is the duration of the tribulation. Is it the full seven years of the 70th week or is it only 3.5 years. Some say the Lord Jesus fulfilled the first half of the last week and we are on hold for 2,000 years before the trib kicks off. Of course, I'm hoping for the soonest one, but we all trust in His perfect plan and timing. I'm thinking this video could be a wonderful tool for Jewish people too, because it clearly shows them how to escape the inevitable tribulation. The last verse of Psalm 53 says: "Oh that the salvation of Israel would come out of Zion..." That word "salvation" is "yeshua" in the original Hebrew text! Isn’t it comforting to know all things must one day bow to God’s will I have also mentioned about having our spirits "quickened" and he call Jesus a quickening spirit! Hmmm TR Paul the trib is a full 7 years — at the mid-point 3.5 yrs is when Israel, as a nation, wakes up and realizes the abomination of the false messiah, who has now desecrated the third temple. Israel flees to Petra and is protected for the remaining 3.5 yrs, time of judgement of the earth. During 2030 (Per CJ) the second coming of Christ to earth will happen and some time thereafter the millennium will begin for the 1000 years (day of rest). This fulfills the prophecy of the 7000 years (7 days of creation). The dragon is thrown into the pit to await the end of the 1000 yrs. From that point we don’t have much, except to know he is let out for “a season to temp those born during the millennial reign” and then his final judgement is sealed and he is forever cast into the lake of fire. CJ makes it easy to understand and I would agree that we are visual creatures. Although I do learn better as a hands on or kinesthetic learner. Praying for this “spring” rapture to be the true revelation :prayer-hands: Geri, I have always felt that it was going to be a Wednesday rapture, but that is my personal opinion and I relate that to the traditional Jewish wedding. As to the date — remember our calendar is off by about a month. God gave a 360 day cycle and only 2 seasons (planting and harvest), so it still could be any day :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: and as late as May per our calendar. The exciting part is that CJ Lovik gives pretty strong evidence for a 2023 rapture. His study dispels the argument between a 30 or 32 AD crucifixion per the destruction of Jerusalem, which makes logical sense. It is also exciting to see, as Daniel states, the eyes being opened to more understanding as the time for our departure is at hand. Soon!!!! :prayer-hands:
our journey soon done on earth
in this weary world , we are feeling tired of battling evil’s cold chill
anticipating intensely, the soon rapture call and all its Worth
~ ~ oh, Father, we desire to be at Heaven’s altar to adore our King’s reigning ~ ~ secured by Abba Father's ordaining ~ ~
Still ~ ~ ~ we continue to wait with learned patience, and with valued thanksgiving as You teach us daily, the measured worth of praying
Is this the year, our Lord’s great call for the Bride, fully realized?
the Heavenly Bride ~transformed complete in the air, ~ ~ ~ we are so ready to hear ~ ~ ‘come forth’ ..
So ready to enter where Heavenly hosts gather there ~
~ ~at Heaven’s altar, full of joy we sing
~~ caught up higher and higher , ~ ~
~ ~, reaching Heaven amidst Holy fire
~ rejoicing over our King ~
even now, feeling thrilled that in God’s will,
our soon rapture shall take us to Heaven's Hill ~