Dr. Barry is so encouraging, crazy but encouraging Chad is always a great testimony and encouraging Thank you Tammie, for this update! I love the parallel and typology in the story of Moses going up the mountain in the clouds to talk with God and receive the 10 commandments. The Israelites didn’t know the day or hour of Moses’ return … so they got antsy and requested a golden calf and partied. Nothing new under the sun … most of the world mocks and doesn’t want to believe that Jesus is returning in the clouds so they rather focus on making their own gods … loving the pleasure of this world more and partying. Also illustrates why there is nothing under the sun, because the heart of man has not changed! TR Of course they have to now release the multitude of demon invasion crafts — how else are they going to explain our departure….. we ARE going home! :yahoo: https://prophecyupdate.blogspot.com/2022/10/deception-coming-ship-crews-see-swarms.html