Are we there yet . ...
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Are we there yet . . Rapture's THAT close ~

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I love you people.....

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I was mentioning in a phone conversation, our Lord's returning so seriously near ~~  the person replied:   "yeah, I've heard that one before these last few decades,  and nothing's happened, and still you say, keep looking up, and 'watch" . . ~ ~  I responded, "yeah, well you just fulfilled a prophesy re: these last days, saying where is His coming, things are just the same" . .   she hung up on me  ~ ~ zzzzzzzzzzzzz

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The beauty of Christ's Heart ~~  I am recalling, Jesus, our Adored Lord explaining Who He is IN HEART toward us . .   ~ ~~   "  Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I AM gentle and lowly, humble IN HEART,  and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

This is our God  ~ ~   this gift of true anticipation while watching is we shall very soon be so near Him  ~ ~ we shall run to His open arms feeling His embrace up close ~~

Who could ever turn away from our Savior filled with Love and compassion far more than it is humanly realized . .  ~

We love Him so ~ ~

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Well said Sis!

I'm feeling lot's of hugs coming soon!


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DH's brother is in the hospital w/pneumonia and he already has emphysema. He doesn't have long to live. Today, we will talk to him about the imminent coming of Christ for His church and press on him the urgency and need for a decision to be made. We have printed out Farag's simple  ABC's of Salvation to give him.

We have witnessed sooooo many times before going in one ear and out the other. I pray is the day of his salvation. Lord Jesus please may his heart be receptive to Your Word.

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:prayer-hands: :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands:

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Yes, prayers!!!

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Heavenly Father, please open up this man's heart. Plow his heart and make it fertile soil. Germinate the seeds of the gospel and make them grow. Water them with your Word. There isn't much time so create an urgency in this man that You don't wish to perish.

Do this so You may be glorified for you deserve all the honour, glory and blessings. In Jesus' Mighty Name, Amen. :prayer-hands:

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Churchgal — I also was curious on how many folks I talk rapture with —- I came up with 4 adults in my immediate family who carry on as I do and actively watch JD, Jan, Amir, Jack, Barry, Joel, and follow Prophecy Watchers w/Stearman too … 5 adults in my immediate family that think I am a bit of a looney tunes for “seeing only the rapture as the next step” … I have four grandkids, all teen or pre-teen who get it.  I have 5 individuals at work who will talk with me and a scattered mess of others who know my stand but will not discuss. Plus the RITAN family — so I feel very blessed.

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Arthur, I couldn’t agree with you more, I believe we here are very heavenly minded and solely watching for my beloved savior as He says too! :prayer-hands:  I consider our desire to be with Christ what drives us to speak as the spirit leads to tell others of His blessed hope more sincerely. Many just believe that we are going to go on as before and this is the new normal, they just need to adapt and be content in the state they are abiding in. Singing His praises but not watching for him to imminently coming……

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