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Anyone Else Connecting These Dots?

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Cannot remember exactly where I heard this today, but some Youtube video had a guy saying he thought the US would economically rebound from this Corona hit because of Genesis 12:3 and how President Trump has treated Israel.  I get that he acknowledged Jerusalem as Israel's capital, relocated the embassy to Jerusalem, and recognized the Golan Heights as belonging to the Jewish nation.  That's all good stuff but it cannot and does not offset the reality that he proposed a peace plan that divides the land and relies on geographic boundaries that contradict the Word of God.  (That's the kind of logic that delusional, unregenerate sinners use when they try to justify their adultery by serving at the food kitchen or throwing a $20 bill in the offering plate on Sunday morning.)

A quick review of some facts.  On January 28th, the Trump Peace was officially unveiled.  The Dow was at 28,773 that day.  At the close on Wednesday, 3/18, it was at 19,899.  That is just shy of a 9K drop in less than two months, roughly 31%.  Meantime, the Corona virus has exploded around the world, including here in the US, with the first death in America tied to Corona on 2/29.  A multitude of iconic and in many cases idolatrous aspects of our society have been shut down.  The major sports leagues.  March Madness.  The St Patrick's parade.  The Lord has allowed our "normal" to be disrupted in what feels to many like an unprecedented way.

A catastrophic economic downturn, an unprecedented (at least in our lifetime) global pandemic, a cultural metamorphisis that redefines "normal".  Call me crazy, but this sure looks like God's hand of protection being lifted in judgement for dividing His land.  Yet, I hear so few connect these dots as an explanation for why what is happening is happening.

Does anyone else see the connection? :feedback

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Indeed the Lord could be lifting His favor from the U.S.  Certainly we had all been expecting increasing darkness in these last days, as well as war breaking out!  But this virus took everyone by surprise.  And the effect of snowballing the world into hysteria and collapsing of the world's economies was truly unexpected.  Especially for simply a new strain of the flu.

That said, this indeed may by a precursor to some of the chaos the world will endure after we are Raptured.  But be that as it may, it certainly seems to be telling of how little it would take to convince the world into a one world government.  Given all the advance conditioning that has already taken place!  I guess a little fear goes a long way!

Certainly doesn't give me much hope for the human race.  Only show how much we lack when we don't have Christ in our lives.


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Because this is an election year ... I lean this could be the Democrats Plan B to disrupt and tank the economy so Trump doesn’t get a 2nd term.  History tends to repeat itself ... remember Bush Sr having high approval ratings after the Gulf war ... everything was going so well ... but then in the election year ... bam ... the economy started to tank and he didn’t have any plans to how he was going to fix things ... so people thought he was out of touch with the situation and their votes swayed over in Clinton’s favor.

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While I do think it is a man made crisis, the USA is ripe for judgement. As is my native land, Canada.

Certainly, the dividing of Israel will have disastrous consequences. Seals, Trumpets and Bowls, oh my!

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hey watchman, a big Ritan AMEN from this corner!

Leviticus 25:23-28 New Living Translation (NLT)
Redemption of Property
23 “The land must never be sold on a permanent basis, for the land belongs to me. You are only foreigners and tenant farmers working for me.

24 “With every purchase of land you must grant the seller the right to buy it back. 25 If one of your fellow Israelites falls into poverty and is forced to sell some family land, then a close relative should buy it back for him. 26 If there is no close relative to buy the land, but the person who sold it gets enough money to buy it back, 27 he then has the right to redeem it from the one who bought it. The price of the land will be discounted according to the number of years until the next Year of Jubilee. In this way the original owner can then return to the land. 28 But if the original owner cannot afford to buy back the land, it will remain with the new owner until the next Year of Jubilee. In the jubilee year, the land must be returned to the original owners so they can return to their family land.

The "deal of the century" regarding end of claims, Section 21, page 38

and see on page 6; i added the bold, or in plain English, what God said doesn't matter but dickering with people does

A main fault line in the Middle East today is between leaders who want to create economic opportunity and a better life for their peoples, and those who manipulate religion and ideology in order to foment conflict and excuse their failures. This Vision aims to be respectful of ideology, religious beliefs and historical claims, but is focused primarily on putting the interests and aspirations of the people first.

on page 8:

Withdrawing from territory captured in a defensive war is a historical rarity. It must be recognized that the State of Israel has already withdrawn from at least 88% of the territory it captured in 1967. This Vision provides for the transfer of sizeable territory by the State of Israel -- territory to which Israel has asserted valid legal and historical claims, and which are part of the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people -- which must be considered a significant concession.

page 32, this agreement ends ALL CLAIMS

This Vision contemplates that the Palestinian refugee issue will be resolved along the following lines:


The Israeli-Palestinian Peace Agreement shall provide for a complete end and release of any and all claims relating to refugee or immigration status. There shall be no right of return by, or absorption of, any Palestinian refugee into the State of Israel.

and page 38:



The Israeli-Palestinian Peace Agreement will end the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, and end all claims between the parties. The foregoing will be proposed in (i) a new UN Security Council resolution, and (ii) a new UN General Assembly resolution.


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No doubt Sis, many are seeing the hand of God orchestrating these recent events.


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yeah, check out the timing. the virus has about a 14 day incubation period?

Tues Jan 28, 2020 Guardian reports on the plan

Time: Feb 12 - Illinois the 1st state to begin testing in US


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IF the corona virus and all of the problems it's creating are judgment's from God because Trump/Kushner revealed their peace plan then I'd really hate to be around when/if that peace plan starts to go into action. Actually I'd hate to be around for another week or so if things keep getting worse which they will !

I assume this is just a small warning from God not to go ahead with this plan.

I also assume that they (Trump/Kushner) will go ahead with this plan anyway.






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I may be wrong, but I don't think that this is God's primary responsibility.  But rather God allowing Satan, God's junkyard dog to move forward with his plans.

For on the heels of this the Church gets Raptured, and the world finally receives the King of Kings!  God taking something bad either by us or the enemy and turning it into a good thing!

God has His plan in place, and knows that judgement is on the horizon.  I hardly think that God is so small as to punish something which has not been accepted or enforced, regardless who proposed it, IMHO.

Either way, it's a win/win for us!



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In the past 3 weeks 17 million people have lost their jobs.

17 is a number representing judgment.

In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. Gen 7:11


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