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Anyone Else Battling Normalcy Bias in These Final Hours?

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Can't wait to be free from my sin nature...Maranatha!!!

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Yohanan, I can certainly emphasize with you. After watching for over 35 years, seeing one date after another come and go.. discovering new points of possibilities, I too have come to realize I must live everyday in anticipation that this IS the day I may take my flight upward and remember each moment here on this earth as a time of preparation for my soul to meet my Savior. I continue to plan with the thought always being it may all be empty as I wing my way upward. I am ready to shed this mortal body and put on immortality, trade the perishable for the imperishable and most of all see the glorious face of my redeemer and be in a sinless home full of love, joy, and peace unspeakable for eternity. Here right has become wrong and wrong has become right, the door for the unholy one is now open for humanity to embrace. So to my brothers and sisters, keep steady your Christ, watch and pray unceasingly. Our redemption is about to come forth. So keep your lamps trimmed and ready. Watch!  NEVER give up, we ARE the generation. :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

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Can you ever go wrong with mushrooms on just about Everything? That’s a NO! Beef, Chicken, Fish, pork, certainly omelets, salads ... the list is endless I agree :wacko:

I am a farmer at heart, I grow just about everything in both soil and hydroponics—- but I have never grown mushrooms ? need to consider that, wait this should be my last growing season :good: :yahoo:

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LOL ... if I buy a frozen meal like Stouffers, etc. I really have to read the labels carefully because sometimes they like to sneak in the slimy mushrooms!  Then I have to hand pick them off hoping I got them all before microwaving.  Oh and don’t get me started with French Green Bean Casserole. :negative:   Its completely saturated with  cream of mushroom soup.  Eek.  What a way to ruin green beans!

I had a friend who used to work for Campbells Soup while I was working at Nabisco.  You get products dirt cheap in their company store or for free if you know the right people in sales/marketing dept. so we were exchanging food products.  It started off great ... but soon the exchanges went south ... when I was giving her Oreo’s, Nilla Wafers, Animal Crackers, Ritz & Saltines crackers, various candy bars and gum, etc. and somehow I was getting the raw end of the deal with her giving me cans of cream of mushroom soup, cream of celery soups, etc. Cry   I said don’t they have normal soups like tomato and chicken noodle?  She claims they were all out of those in the company store ... figures because nobody wants those cream soups!  I told her no thanks and that she owes me a big batch next time of normal soups!

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Just glad He saves me from myself, in spite myself, for Himself!


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:mdrmdr:  way too funny ?

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I would seriously encourage folks NOT eat any organ meets like liver, eyes, brains, or kidneys. Meat cooked to not bleeding, all veggies and fruit is awesome, unless you’re allergic, same as nuts are fabulous. I also have a concern for the things eaten that are considered the cleaners of the sea and land. My under grad had a heavy emphasis in nutrition, I’m active in healthcare and if you’re brave enough read “The China Study” and “Whole 30”. Onions are definitely a go! Geri7 you hit it right with the liver :calvin

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Yohanan- it is so amazing how even as strong believers, we can get so attached to the material and we know you can’t take it with you. :wacko: :agree

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True my daughter, we are a peculiar people, created in Christ Jesus for good works... NEVER be normal and look what fun you have had in your life, never a dull moment right! He is our ever present Lord and yes the toils of life are heavy but thank God this is NOT our final home and we WILL be flying out of here sooner than later. :heart: :prayer-hands: :yes:

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Right! :agree :prayer-hands:

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