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An Interesting Plot Twist to Say the Least

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Apparently it was former British PM Tony Blair who had been working behind the scenes to make the Israeli-UAE deal come to fruition. :whistle:

From the article:

"I have thought for a long time that the whole position that you have to have a peace deal [between Israel and the Palestinians] first, and then you open up relations between Israel and the Arab world … needed to be turned on its head and do it the other way around. I believe strongly you will not have a solution to the Palestinian issue unless it's with the full cooperation and participation of the Arab world," Blair tells Israel Hayom from London.

When he was free from pressure from foreign countries, Blair began leading the process according to his own outlook. Coincidentally or not, that happened to be similar to that of Netanyahu, with whom Blair had a strong relationship going back a few years. Netanyahu, too, had been arguing since 2015 that Arab states would bring the Palestinians to peace, not the other way around. Blair courted Arab states, and found the UAE most willing to listen. Still, in order to get the Emirates to renew contact with Israel, the Mabhouh affair had to be overcome".

I wonder if other nations are in his rolodex? :flyup:

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VERY interesting indeed! B-)

Ok bumping him back up on my “eeny meeny miny moe” list  :mail:


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Bahrain is off the fence now. I wonder how many others will fall in line these next few days? Saudi is the big one. The moment they jump in, it's game over and every other nation in the region signs on!


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Forgot all about Tony Blair!  He is scary to say the least!  Then there is Prince Charles!

Satan has got quite a fallback list at his disposal!

Indeed lines are drawn, choices have been made.  Those yet to choose Christ seem to lag, while those choosing Satan do so quickly!


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They are really going to be surprised when the whole Arab as a nation is no more by Gods design ..... sad for their blindness :prayer-hands:

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Jared Kushner on a call today hinting that Saudi Arabia could be next!! I would expect this announcement to happen over the weekend at some point (Monday at the very latest but thinking, or rather hoping, it's on Saturday). Is this the breakout of peace I wrote about last week?? Soon we will no longer be looking up. Instead, we will be looking directly at the One who saved us!!

Trump Admin Optimistic Saudi Arabia Could Be Next to Make Peace with Israel

Adam Kredo - September 11, 2020 2:51 PM

White House senior adviser Jared Kushner hinted on Friday that Saudi Arabia could be the next Arab nation to reach a historic peace agreement with Israel.

Speaking to reporters following the administration’s surprise announcement that Bahrain would follow in the United Arab Emirates’ footsteps and normalize relations with the Jewish state, Kushner expressed optimism that other Arab nations will also move to make peace.

Bahrain became the second country in recent days to announce a historic peace deal with Israel that will see it normalize diplomatic relations after decades of hostility. Kushner and other senior White House officials participated last week in the first flight from Israel to the UAE, which was permitted to fly over Saudi air space. Asked if Saudi Arabia, one of the most influential Gulf Arab nations, could be next to make peace, Kushner expressed hope.

"I do believe it’s an inevitability that all countries in the Middle East" will eventually make peace with Israel, Kushner said during a phone call with reporters. "I think [the agreement] was noticed by everyone in the region, how well the deal with Israel and UAE was received."

Arab leaders now "recognize the approach taken in the past hasn't worked and they realize their people want to see a more vibrant future," Kushner said.

A signing ceremony between the UAE, Bahrain, and Israel will be held at the White House on Tuesday.

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The covenant with death is coming together rapidly. I believe after Saudi Arabia signs on will be when the third temple construction plans will be announced.

Talk about being on pins and needles.

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Peace and safety for all!  Not just Israel!

God is crossing the it's and dotting the I's!

They are called, jots and tittles in scripture!

Again all denoting the nearness of our departure!

RH looming ever larger!  And the Rapture ever closer!


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