Well, full disclosure, I've been sober in AA for 26 years now.
With that said, in my first few months, I was invited (after a meeting) to a Bible st... Welcome, Mia. We are happy to have you here and we always love to encourage one another with the words of the Blessed Hope!
And to be honest, the cen... I'm of the belief that the Jews are so hated because they are the ones who have to turn to Jesus as Messiah for him to return. If you can kill them of... I've been watching daily war reporting from "Raptor News" on YouTube (not a rapture reference..just coincidental in the naming). They've, by far, been... The Houthis (Iranian backed) have officially declared war on Israel. They have fired a mixed salvo of cruise missiles and drones. Apparently, the targ... Update:
My methods I stated above are no longer working to block ads. I did download the "Brave" browser. Problem solved!!! (at least for now). I do believe it has, indeed, started. IMO, Iran's running to the UN yesterday was a sign of fear rather than a sign of strength. I believe they know H... Oh wow! Keep Luke 17:26-27 in mind when watching this short video:
"And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of m... Here is what I have done to bypass ads and so far it is working. Install ad-block plus then install "Canvas Fingerprint Defender" (both free from the ... "It's interests (Iran's)" is a pretty broad swath to cover. They are entrenched in every nook and cranny surrounding Israel. False hope of peace? According to Amir, the offensive is starting from the North in Israel.
This video jibes with CJ Lovik's (Rock Island Books) most recent videos on the Jubilee and, more importantly, the mystery of the double Jubilee. And w... Very interesting link you provided MWS. Does anyone know if the author of that website has had any other dreams/visions/interpretations that may have ... May He have preeminence in all things!! May this be the year we get to see the face of the only One who could have ever redeemed us to God!!
... It's been quite a while since I've gotten this excited for FoT! May this be the year we all celebrate together in the physical presence of the only On... All around the time of Yom Teruah.... 😉 I was thinking that once Russia fully engages Ukraine, it would be a tactical time for several events to take place:
China to take Taiwan
India a... Hal is extremely racist and anti Semitic. He’s claimed to be Christian for quite some time but at some point you’ll see fruits of this. If he were con... I’m thinking there must be a double fulfillment, then, since Paul wrote to the Colossians (2):
16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink... I'm thinking there must be a double fulfillment, then, since Paul wrote to the Colossians (2):
16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink... Well, I’m always ready to listen to points made from Scripture. So for anyone who holds to the Nisan 10 as the start and stop of the Tribulation, can ... Man's first diet was vegetarian (Genesis 1:29). However after the flood, God gave to Noah a diet consisting of meat (Genesis 9:3).
In Revelation, we ... @Yohanan, you ain't just whistlin' Dixie. I can vividly remember 2012 thinking.....no, scratch that....KNOWING that 2012 was it! His postulation of a summertime start to the tribulation fits uncannily well with the proposed "Great Reset". I saw this yesterday and was going to post on it but it quickly dropped off the radar because of the overwhelming info coming in that it started to ju...
Last seen: December 20, 2024 5:42 am