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Amazing Rapture Facts

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Tis the season of discarding the old attire and donning the new robes!  Whatever day the Lord decides upon, I will glory with Him and with all of you!


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I think we have another high-watch date to be on EXTRA alert for:
Saturday April 4, 2020 (Nissan 10 - Passover)   :whistle: 

I was looking over at a post on the RITA facebook side ... someone mentioned that on April 4, 2020 - Venus and Pleiades will meet - Venus will be sitting on Pleiades.

I’m not familiar with astronomy so I looked up the 2 names - Venus represents the woman and Pleiades is known as the Seven Sisters and Messier 45, are an open star cluster containing middle-aged, hot B-type stars located in the constellation of Taurus.  Taurus (the bull) ... so ... do we have the woman riding the beast?   Could this alignment be representing the tribulation is near? :unsure:

Then I looked up Jewish history ( of what occurred on April 4th (Nissan 10) are you ready for this ....

Israelites crossed the Jordan (1273 BC)
Three days after the 2 spies dispatched by Joshua scouted the city of Jericho, the children of Israel were ready to enter the land of promised by God, to their ancestors as their eternal heritage.  As they approached the Jordan with the Holy Ark carried by the Kohanim (priests) in their lead, the river parted for them, as the waters of the Red Sea had split when their fathers and mothers marched out of Egypt 40 years earlier. (Joshua 4).

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So on Nissan 10 the Israelites enter Jordan (the promise land) ... could it be the Church will enter (the promise land of heaven) on the same holiday? Could it be at the stroke of midnight (Saturday) April 4th (Passover) the rapture happens and the next minute its .... Palm Sunday morning, April 5th?   Will palms be handed out to us at the rapture celebration reunion in heaven, just like we see in Revelation 7:9-14 - the Tribulation Saints are in heaven with palms in their hands? B-)

9 After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb. And all the angels stood round about the throne, and about the elders and the four beasts, and fell before the throne on their faces, and worshipped God, Saying, Amen: Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever. Amen. And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they? And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

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I still prefer Pentecost rapture on July 17 this year. This may catch many Christians, Catholic, and Messianic Jews off guard because they observe  a different Pentecost. Jesus says no man knows the day and hour. It may due to the real Pentecost has been lost. This is why no man knows the day and hour of rapture, because the Jews adhere to Sivan 6, while Catholic and all Christian denomination set the Pentecost fifty days after Easter Sunday which is also the wrong day for calculating the real Pentecost.

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Hi 2nd Coming,

Sorry but I have to disagree with you on using the “no man knows the day and hour” reasoning to back up your theory for the July 17th high watch rapture date. (Note:  the rapture could very well be on Pentecost whether its May 29th, May 31st or July 17th of this year but what I’m saying is “no man knows the day or the hour shouldn’t apply to the rapture) because:

The phrase “No man knows the day or the hour” does not refer to the rapture event but for the 2nd coming.  In Matt 24 passage the disciples were asking Jesus when He will be coming back to set up His earthly Kingdom.  Jesus did answer their question ... by saying the day of His return will be on “Feast of Trumpets” because that feast is also known by the nickname as “No one knows the day or the hour”. 😉

Per Thomas Maples ... posted this on RITA facebook side:
“The whole no one knows the day or the hour don’t pertain to the rapture, but the 2nd Coming.  As I’ve mentioned countless times before, the word “know” in that verse means able to perceive.  The placing of it in Matthew 24 and Mark 13 after the Lord turns off the light of the sun and the moon correlates nicely to Joel 2, Zechariah 14, Isaiah 13 about the Day of Judgement of the Lord.  Considering the next Feast day of God to be fulfilled (presumably) is the Feast of Trumpets (Trumpets being blown when the Lord’s people go to war) also works nicely since it begins at the first sighting of the first sliver of the new moon.  Which won’t be able to be perceived since the light of the sun and the moon are darkened.  Not by mankind, not by angels.  But God always knows.”

This is not saying that date setting is forbidden.  It’s saying that when the moment comes, they won’t be able to see the day and hour that it comes.  From a practical viewpoint, there’s no sense being adamant about any particular date not because it’s forbidden, but because He didn’t give us enough information to figure it out.  Which has kept the entire Church on its toes since the early days when even the Apostles seemed to expect His return imminently.

Per Thomas Maples again
“Jesus said that the 2nd Coming would happen after tribulation stops, after He turns off the light of the sun and the moon, and after He places the sign of the Son of Man in the heavens.  Daniel’s 70th week involves a number of promises that don’t take place until after He returns to earth and removes the unrighteous, establishes His Kingdom, anoints the Most Holy (although we aren’t told if that’s a person, a place, or a thing).  The implication, hard as it is to hear, is that Tribulation is actually a bit less than 7 years. Perhaps what He meant when He said “unless the days be shorten” ...

Per Watching & Waiting (Mechelle) posted this on the RITA facebook:
“Yes, Dianne Daraitis Rothenbuehler!  You’re absolutely right!  Finally someone puts that phrase in context!  Lol.
It is about the second coming, speaking to Jews during the tribulation. It is not referring to the rapture because that mystery has not even been revealed until it is revealed later to Paul.”

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Many of us believe no man knows the day and hour points to rapture. Jesus' return to earth can be known because he has given the left behind 1290 days, 1335 days, 2300 days, time, times and half time to foresee his return. But for the sake of rapture, he didn't leave many clues for us to find out. To calculate the day for rapture is very difficult. We can only speculate at this time, especially July 17. But once it happens, the left behind can look forward 7 biblical years to calculate Jesus returning to earth. It won't take a rocket scientist to find out the day for second advent.

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I agree 2ndcoming!  Won't it be glorious!  A glorious departure fit for a Bride!  And then being in the presence of our Creator God,  Then to gaze upon all the glories of Heaven and of God  himself!

The greatest story ever told, the redemption story.  Although based in a reality more real than we have yet experienced, it also is the greatest fantasy ever conceived as well!

And if that were not enough, it is all based on a God who loves!!!  And His love is stronger than all else, even death itself.  And longer than time!  Time will blush at how inadequate it is, and death will run from His presence and ours.

Our love of God will never compare or outshine His love for us!  This makes my heart quiver and urges me to apologize for the inability of mine heart!



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“It won’t take a rocket scientist to find out the day for 2nd advent”.

I disagree because most of the unsaved won’t even be looking for Jesus at the 2nd Coming.  They will be in shock.  Only the 1/3 Jews who were obedient and fled to Petra will be.  However, they wont have time to pack up their bags and bring a 3 1/2 year calendar with them to mark off the days remaining.  Perhaps they will have a watch that shows the date but will the battery eventually conk out?  The sun, moon and stars will not shine forth ... so how will they know when its truly day time vs. night time?  Also time speed will be in full force ... we are already seeing that phenomenal event happening right now with the seconds speeding up per minute making the days/months pass quickly.  Even the unsaved are noticing it but don’t know the why.  Last week I had a chatty nurse telling me her personal life while preparing me for my colonoscopy exam.  She went on and on about each child and who got married and who now has a newborn and who is getting married this summer and what projects she is working on in her house.  She then out of the blue that said she doesn’t have time to finished any of her hobbies and still hasn’t seen her grandson yet and they live in Albany, NY and then said ... is time speeding up or what?!   :mdrmdr:    I said YES it is!

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Good article and replies everyone. :yes:

I'm still of the same opinion of Jack Kelly, in that the Rapture is not a date specific event, but rather a number specific event.  "until the full number of Gentiles comes in".

Romans 11:25  I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers and sisters, so that you may not be conceited: Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in,

That being said, that last guy/gal coming to Christ could happen on a Feast day.  LOL!  So,  while I'm not a particular Feast watcher, my spidey senses do pick up around those days.  Any day will be a glorious day for the Church. :flyup:

Love in Him. :rose:

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Interesting to find out in the end, which it was?!


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This is a comment on Geri7's find of the conjunction of Venus and the Pleiades on Passover.

Here is a quote as to the meaning of the Pleiades from Bullinger's "Witness of the Stars":

"Then there is the cluster of stars known as the Pleiades. This word, which means the congregation of the judge or ruler, comes to us through the Greek Septuagint as the translation of the Hebrew כִּימָה, Chima, . . "

In Revelation, Christ refers to Himself as the bright and morning star which is Venus.

To me, this conjunction pictures the rapture if the Pleiades would represent the church (congregation?) and Jesus as Venus.  Perhaps this is a sign in the sky indicating the nearness of the rapture?

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