Truly 2021 seems to be our year! Springtime seems most likely! Truly the Fall season will accommodate the "Second Coming" quite nicely as well! He reigns! And we shall soon rule and reign with Him! Until that day breaks forth, let us walk in His blessings and give thanks! TR Let 2021 be the year of God's grace towards His church! With great anticipation and hope we wait upon the Lord, both to serve Him and receive Him! It's still and always will be about Him! May the king of kings and Lord of lord's heart flourish in our presence! May our love, adoration and praises of Him only magnify His heart towards us, now and forever! TR encouraging, TR, thanks! :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: Cool! Looking forward to watching it. Right this second I'm thinking about how God's patience and mercy is about to run out. Like the Rapture is about to happen this year because God has had enough and needs to step in and take care of business and give His Son what He deserves. Indeed, God as been long suffering for some time! Time now for the next phase of God's plan! Thee seventh day awaits! TR Unsealed.org has a good article on why 2021 could be the year. They are looking at March 4-6 as being of interest. The comment section always has some good information, as well. https://www.unsealed.org/2021/02/snowstorm-of-century-disappearing.html?m=1 Mar 6th thru May 21st are high on my list already! Just waiting on Jesus! Again, the world has waited for two thousand years! What's a few months?! TR