More incredible stupidity that is designed to make us angry and revolt. People getting excited about today as it is February 1, 2021. Market crash of October 29, 1929 + 33,333 days = February 1, 2021. The markets are obviously fraudulent. It is just a matter of time before they are exposed. There seems to be a concerted effort by millions of people on Reddit to buy silver (which is greatly and artificially undervalued) to supposedly stick it to the banksters. I think the stock market will be exposed as part of the fake evil NWO. The action on silver could be the lit fuse. I saw a video where they were excited about Feb. 1-2 because it is some wiccan holiday and they expect the ac to be revealed these days. It's not me! Does that help?! TR Do witches like groundhogs? :wacko: Poor groundhogs. 🙁 I didn't realize they were excited about these days. 2/1/21 might be interesting to the luciferians that are fascinated with numbers. An interesting video by Perry Stone about a new end times sign. Bezos steps down as Amazon CEO. John Kerry the Hapsburg takes his gas guzzling private jet to Iceland to receive some fraudulent environmental award. Rules for thee but not for me. :negative: About nine months ago I created a thread called "The sins of Sodom, Gomorrah, and America" lol And I created that thread because I ordered a pizza from Papa John's that day and while the delivery guy was handing me my food I asked him how's business because at the time a lot of people were losing their jobs and he told me that everyday was like a Friday it was so busy. And as soon as he told me that I actually got scared and thought about what it was like in S & G before they were destroyed by God because I was thinking how 10's of millions of Americans including myself were out of work, being lazy, and eating bread (pizza) And at the time I did see it as a sign of an imminent Rapture followed by God's wrath on America. Here's the thread. The whole world is going to be like shooting fish in a barrel! TR
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