
Wow ... check out the uncanny wording the pope uses ... There is no doubt about being in the season of the rapture ... he uses “Jubilee for the earth” ... “creation is groaning” etc. doesn’t it remind you of the Romans 8:18-23 rapture passage?! :whistle: Perhaps this is a hint we need to put October 4th on our high watch list if nothing happens during the month of “September to Remember”. It might morph into “A Hunt for Red October” Sunday the 4th .... as the left behind hunt for our bodies and only find our bloody left behind clothes? B-) In his message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, the pontiff has called for repentance, insisting we have “broken the bonds of our relationship with the Creator, with our fellow human beings, and with the rest of creation.” Our constant demand for growth and an endless cycle of production and consumption are exhausting the natural world,” the pope laments. “Forests are leached, topsoil erodes, fields fail, deserts advance, seas acidify and storms intensify.” “Creation is groaning!” he concludes. The solution to these problems is learning to “listen to the land,” he states, and to occupy our correct place in the “web of life.” “We also need once more to listen to the land itself,” Francis said. “Today we hear the voice of creation admonishing us to return to our rightful place in the natural created order – to remember that we are part of this interconnected web of life, not its masters.” “The disintegration of biodiversity, spiralling climate disasters, and unjust impact of the current pandemic on the poor and vulnerable: all these are a wakeup call in the face of our rampant greed and consumption,” he says. The pope urges all to adopt a simpler, more austere lifestyle. “We must examine our habits of energy usage, consumption, transportation, and diet,” he states. “We must eliminate the superfluous and destructive aspects of our economies, and nurture life-giving ways to trade, produce, and transport goods.” More controversially, Francis calls for “restorative justice” to compensate for the “enormous ecological debt” incurred in the “historic exploitation of the global South.” “We should not forget the historic exploitation of the global South that has created an enormous ecological debt, due mainly to resource plundering and excessive use of common environmental space for waste disposal,” he writes. “It is a time for restorative justice. In this context, I repeat my call for the cancellation of the debt of the most vulnerable countries, in recognition of the severe impacts of the medical, social and economic crises they face as a result of Covid-19.” In his message, the pope reiterates his belief that “we are in the midst of a climate emergency” and therefore “climate restoration is of utmost importance.” “We are running out of time, as our children and young people have reminded us,” he declares. “We need to do everything in our capacity to limit global average temperature rise under the threshold of 1.5°C enshrined in the Paris Climate Agreement, for going beyond that will prove catastrophic.” With the commemoration of the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, the pope also launched an extended “Season of Creation,” which will continue until the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi on the fourth of October. - Fair Use - ———————— Romans 8:18-23 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope, Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body. Another thought here on the “delay of the vaxx” ... not only with the rapture event and many will go missing (including if ALL the children under the age of accountability go up with us or will it just be those in the Christian homes? :unsure: ) ... then with the calamities 1/3 of the population dies and many will die between the wars. While the elite go into hiding in their underground shelters ... perhaps in their sick mind they will be temporarily “satisfied” that the world population numbers went drastically down ... and then by mid point the push will be in full force again by creating another pandemic to roll out the deadly/mind controlling vaxx with the stipulation can’t buy or sell unless you worship the beast? :unsure: If, I am not mistaken, this bizarre idea that we will leave behind all our blood is from Peter Ruckman and propogated by the likes of Robert Breaker, one of his disciples. In addition to this, Ruckman taught many other bizarre things, some of them heretical. Some of them just plain racist. (He said that he would have joined the KKK except that they were anti-semitic. He said he agreed with everything else.) Ruckman taught that there would be no women in heaven. All women would receive glorified bodies that were in the appearance of 33 year old males. Ruckman taught that Satan had sex with Eve and that's how Cain was born. This directly contradicts the Bible. Ruckman taught Hyper dispansationalism. He taught that Old Testament saints were saved by faith + works, Tribulation saints will be saved by faith + works and that people in the Millennium will be saved by works alone. This is absolutely false doctrine and extremely dangerous. Ruckman championed King James Onlyism to the degree that he said that it was superior to the original Greek. Any errors in the KJB are actually new revelation, he said. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Ruckman passed away in 2016 but his legacy lives on through his disciples. Most notably Robert Breaker, Eugene Kim, Bryan Denlinger and Now the End Begins. Just a heads up on this cult. Sorry for being a grumpy old man. :wacko: Well, yeah I got that knowledge from a Robert Breaker youtube a few years ago of a possible Halloween Oct 31st rapture. He references this verse I Corinthians 15:50 Hence our bloody clothes will get left behind. Many speculate that our new bodies wont contain blood ... perhaps all water? All the youtubes I’ve seen from Robert Breaker so far seem sound. :scratch: Sorry to step on some toes. B-) I used to be subscribed to Robert Breaker and I learnt a lot. However, after learning about Peter Ruckman and his heretical teachings, I have unsubscribed. A little leaven, as they say. Anyway, you aren't stepping on any toes. Thanks for your love and zeal for the LORD. :rose: One thing is for sure .... it will all become a mute point very soon :prayer-hands: ... and my guess is that Ruckman and the KJV’rs will have an eye opening event, but God is steadfast in His love and certainly not like our human disgruntled side ... so looking forward to the peace and righteousness part of our heavenly home ... :prayer-hands: I am very thankful to loose this sinful nature that is constantly at war ... :flyup: Oh, I don't doubt it. I will have a lot of wood, hay and stubble, believe me. 🙁 I am sooooooo looking forward to receiving a glorified body and mind and being done with this flesh. No more sin! While the Rapture may be just around the corner, we are to contend to the end. Finish the race strong. How ironic to stand on a soap box and preach the cleansing power of Christ! I share your heart, leave this flesh and quit sinning against God! TR I tend to wear myself out researching online and then never post anything I find, which is probably fine because I haven't read everything on RITAN and lots of what I look at on other sites y'all may have already posted...anyway, I think it's ok to just post a link? Well people talking about the World Economic Forum meeting in January got me on a path that ended up here https://www.energy.gov/articles/white-house-office-technology-policy-national-science-foundation-and-department-energy by way of cattle tracking and quantum computers... I'm definitely not anti-technology- obviously, we wouldn't be "talking" all together here w/o it and the Lord has used it amazingly to to spread the Gospel so remotely and quickly...there's just so much He is allowing now that is so advanced and mind blowing to me...it just doesn't seem like He would let it get this far without planning to slam the breaks on soon...I just pray His abrupt stop comes in the form of the rapid succession of events of Rapture then The Tribulation and then His coming all the way down here to set things straight! (& bringing us with Him!) I keep seeing more and more crazy advanced technology- robots that seriously move just like acrobatic people- all the drone stuff- all the in house "spying" by things- all the information collecting & algorithms made from it- the quantum dots and mRNA vaccines...ugh...I know God is going to allow Satan to use advanced technology in such horrible ways after we leave on the people who already worship it above their Creator...God may cause a worldwide hiatus on all of this and things keep on keeping on way past our lifetime, but it sure doesn't look like it... Maranatha!! Hence our bloody clothes will get left behind. I don't believe any bloody clothes will be left behind. 1 Cor 15:52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. With that in mind, I do not believe any of our flesh will remain behind. I believe it will be transformed. A little leaven, as they say. I'm with ya, Arthur. I take everything Geoff Grider (and all other KJV only folk) says with a grain of salt because of his "King James only" stance. It doesn't take a lot of research to find out that the KJV is not the most accurate translation. To have to anguish with the king's English takes away from the message as far as I'm concerned. Besides, if we are going to split hairs like that then the original manuscripts are the ONLY viable ones ever written. That would exclude the KJV. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit did not cease His work in 1611.
ROME — Pope Francis announced a “jubilee for the earth” Tuesday to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, calling on all to combat the “climate emergency.”
By Thomas D. Williams PH.D.
“Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.“
* Hops off soapbox. *