Maybe this will be the month! Feels like it's literally years overdue! Hopefully it's no later than 2024! An interesting comment: when bombs come down, we go up. What are your thoughts? Tammy, please explain how
Lee fits into the scenario.
Love your excitement!!!
:heart: Ditto, Debbie! It was encouraging! I'm also looking
forward to part 2! Thank you :heart: I am cautiously optimistic!
The book "88 Reasons..." by Edgar
Whisenant re-enforced it!
Do love this group and the
mutual love for Jesus! Hope to... This has been a high watch date for years for me. Loved the video!
Could it be in about 48 days?!?!
:yahoo: :prayer-hands:
Can you elaborate? Anxious
to read more!!!! Ty Bump! Just my 2 cents worth.
Not sure how I came up with
this, but it has been in the back
of my mind for years. When bombs
descend, we ascend! Could it... Hope others will listen to this!!!
It's the best NDE I've ever heard! :heart: My husband and I were so greatly
blessed by this testimony! Thank
you for sharing! I agree. You always say these things
so beautifully as do others on this
forum! I may owe you an apology
in regard to a question you posed
knowin... Saying a prayer for you now.
Also try taking Echinacea an herb
that boosts your immunity. Available
at most any pharmacy. I buy at
Walmart. It re... A song "Lavender Blue" by Sammy
Turner makes me think of Jesus
and Heaven. It helps to relax and
de-stress me. Maybe it will be help
ful to someon... Very encouraging! Thank you! Donna, thank you for the encouragement! :yahoo: :heart: Very encouraging!!! Hoping!!! :prayer-hands: It's when the trumpet sounds! ? Anyone know why? Bump :heart: Think there will be a 7 day warning?
<p style="text-align: left;">Hoping, praying. Feels like forever!</p>
Last seen: March 8, 2025 8:30 pm