and its coffee flavored 😉 OOOPs , yup good catch. It's an hour we think not (not day). it was early and I hadnt had my coffee flavored tea yet...... or tea flavored coffee I've always felt that Oct 31 was the day God created Lucifer (Satan's bday)
I'm hoping FoT is the day, but the verse "I come a day ye think n... Thats kind of what I was thinking when I said a human/child sacrifice unto himself, while claiming he is God. Then erecting the image of the beast/him... Not what we want to hear, but is a good vid. And he is pre-trib...
I'm still very hopeful of the rapture any day now. However if 2023 rolls around and we are still here, then I'm taking into account that we have 7 mor... Here's a sign that caught my eye that no one is talking about. Especially with how rare this is to have both this close together... A lunar eclipse on... :agree
I cant agree with Heather because her dates dont fit a shemitah. Keep it simple. This is why I believe Mark Biltz on this. A shemitah start ye... The only real thing I see nixing that is the shemitah always starts on F.O.T. in Sept/Oct.
So a random start date for the trib in May/June doesnt fit... Forgot to say: Something I've pondered for a while. The Bible does not say we cant/wont figure out the start of the trib. And maybe its just me, but I... I'm still in the belief camp that the Trib will start this Sept. The Rapture very well could happen then too, but then there wouldnt be any gap before... Correct me if I'm wrong....
Nowhere in the bible does it say we cant or wont figure out the start of the trib
(side addition: or who the false proph... I've always thought that what is going on in Heaven doesnt affect whats going on here on Earth. Heaven is out of time, and Earth is in time. Since the... How does Fauci always seem to know that another surge is about to happen..... just before one happens..... in the place he said.....just like he said.... I'm onboard with the Shemita cycle as well. I'm feeling the Pentacost Rapture next year followed by a few months of chaos for the man of sin to rise u... Interesting. I always thought they did first half and the 144000 did act 2. Anyone? Yes this upcoming Rosh Hashana 2021 will be the last year of the current Shemitah cycle. Next Rosh Hashana 2022 would start the next 7 year cycle. So ... These are my own personal "conspiracy theories" :wacko:
take them only at face value:
1. Obamacare was conditioning us for this by forcing us to buy... And we are officially in the 73rd year. add the 7 year trib for the last generation and we are on borrowed time. It cant be much longer. As pastor JD ... if there were arrests coming, wouldnt we be seeing the peeps involved rushing to get things in place to cover it? Bidens just signing eo's to undo any... Isnt it funny when you post a question stating you dont see much talk about something, and then the very next topic (by Tendereed) is talking about it... This reeks of lame conspiracy theories. I dont want Biden in office any more than the rest of you. but this is just rediculous. If the military was go... I've been trying to convince myself its not going to happen yet, and more needs to happen. Based off the "I come at an hour you expect not" ..... So i...
Last seen: December 8, 2024 10:23 am
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Joined: March 5, 2019 9:08 pm
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1 year ago
1 year ago
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RE: Does this mean....
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