Just noticed Rapture is trending on X, mostly making fun of it...
Rapture - Search / X (twitter.com) @geri9 Wow, yes my wife too has noticed people and other Christians making fun of the Rapture and upcoming Eclipse as any sense of a sign, especially ... Crazy stuff.... Earthquake rattles NYC! Magnitude 4.8 quake hits New Jersey with tremors and reports of 'shaking buildings' felt as far as the Big App... Sorry for your loss Yohanan, these are our most painful times on this earth. Better times ahead... @perhapstoday Sweet, was hoping it would settle in nicely. @paulr {ritan-emojis}:rotfl: @kolleenwhitestone I can check into that, the server does cache images for speed but I may be able to do something about it on profile updates. Will l... @heidi Awesome! @pdxtodd Very good, message with any issues at all. @yohanan Awesome, glad to help. @terry Very good and glad to hear that. @terry Hey Terry, it wasn't you, the code that you copied and pasted had an issue with the BBC and Royal Family you tube links that were embedded. The... @sonyab1974 Great Sonya, glad to hear this. It is settling in nicely 😀 Sweet, it is settling in nice. It brings the forum up a notch and is much more user and admin friendly. Glad you like it. @discepolo I see the test... @yayo Awesome, looks great. Let me know of any other issues. @yayo Hello, look for My Profile at the top and you will see a little person symbol under the right of the banner photo, click that
Once there, l... @mywhitestone Outstanding and thank you so much for the kind word and prayers. I am very glad to help. After managing the site for almost 5 years, it ... @patrician Hey Patricia, you are close but I can put it in your account for you. Thanks for your patience. The profile pic was our biggest conversion ... Thank you everyone, with the upgrade new profile photos will have to be uploaded as we eliminated the need for BuddyPress to make things simpler. It i... Very glad to help, I felt it needed an update as working in the old BBPress was getting tedious and changes were a pain. I am really digging it and I ... Outstanding, I am digging it. Very feature rich and secure. Very well supported as well. Glad it is settling in nicely. 😀 Testing reply link embed A Pretribulation Bible Study Group - Rapture In The Air Now @tammie Hey Tammie, it will be a bit different. New technology and a better supported forum foundation. Still dialing it in a lot today. Will get it s... Thank you everyone. I need to take a break and grab some dinner. I will be working on cosmetic and other issues again tomorrow but monitoring it tonig... @pdxtodd Try it now Todd.... Thank you Todd, working on these now. Will have fixed shortly. Thank you, still sorting out some issues but seems stable so far.
Last seen: March 31, 2025 5:15 am