Thank you for posting the headlines Amy. Thank you for posting for Pastor JD. Thank you Amy. Thanks for posting the headlines Amy. Thanks for posting the headlines Amy. Thank you for posting Amy. Prayer sent up {ritan-emojis}:prayer: Thank you Amy. Thank you Amy. Thank you Amy. Prayers sent up. Thank you for posting the headlines Amy. Thank you for posting the headlines Amy. {ritan-emojis}:good: @patrician The news just keeps gertting better, but remember, Jesus is our savior, not Trump. What a wacked up world we live in... Thanks for posting the headlines Amy. Thank you for posting the headlines Amy. Prayer sent to the most high for you John. Thank you Amy. @patrician Be careful what you ask for, you may get it......... Thank you for posting the headlines Amy. Thanks for posting the headlines Amy. Thanks for posting the headlines Amy. It would be nice to have more love and less name calling- right wing talking heads MORONs.......... really? That is what gives Christians a bad name. Just as a reference, my login is working fine. Good luck, hope you get it resolved soon. Thank you Amy Thanks Loz @heidi Scaredie Cat, lol
Last seen: March 31, 2025 8:20 am