What LED you along that train of thought, Yohanan? :unsure: 😉 :whistle: Recreating darkness in the Millennium! BOOM!... Then dark... Not unlike ... I wonder what toy tech and amusements will be like in the Millennium, Yohanan, without the world's drive to invent endless rounds of destructive techn... By the way, the Dead Sea Scroll Calendar date for Pentecost this year is June 5.
Keep hopin'! :yes: :heart: :yahoo: So, I have a question that I'm probably too lazy to probe and examine, but I'm suspicious. :yes: :whistle:
The mining of blockchain currencies such ... Hi Derrick. Logical thoughtful propositions. Thanks! :good: I'm only feeling selfish about lost people getting hooked into the New Age manifestations and remaining as we fly away. I want it NOW! But oh well..... A kind of delayed Isaac / Rebekah effect, TR :mail: :unsure: 😉
Although it may be selfish, I have been hoping for much sooner rather than later. ... Yes. And instead of a requirement, maybe think of it as their opportunity. :yahoo: :yes: He says the full moon is the new moon.
That would be a fool moon... :wacko: B-) :whistle: :yes: I am not quibbling with the DSS calendar. It's truly remarkable in its method of synchronizing lunar, solar, and moedim timing over long long periods... The phase of the moon, including new moon, can be found on TimeAndDate.com. Nisan 10 always falls on a Friday? That would have the new moon always on a Wednesday, and the new moon does not always start on a certain given neve... The "Triumphal Entry" that was the original Nisan 10 event, and signifying the taking of the lamb four days before Passover, is celebrated in Christia... Leviticus 23:10-11, "When you come into the land that I give you and reap its harvest, you shall bring the sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest to... The new moon is Nisan 1. Right? The new moon is Apr 1 at 12:24 am EDT this year. So, Nisan 10 is April 10. Right? :mail: :scratch: :unsure: :yes:... Bob wares me out. :yes: :whistle:
Flight 777 - Easter Airlines. :good: :yahoo: From Pastor Steve Ciocollanti... about Ukraine's Zelensky. I was surprised at the depravity of those who get into power. Come, Lord Jesus!
You say the nicest things, Patricia. 🙂 Thanks, Joan. God feeds all the animals while in the wild, and your own animals are blessed by you. Right? You help them because you love them, and G... PS -- Adaptability is also demonstrated in 2 Corinthians 4:7-12
"But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs... Thanks sincerely, TR and Geri.
I think God has most valuably equipped us, and progressively teaches us, to adapt. Sometimes it's happy, sometimes it... In this context of “Near-Death Experiences,” please consider 1 John 4:1-3.
"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they... I'm praying for you, dear sister. I am so sorry for the pain. Jack Kelly too was / still is / a specially-gifted saint. Thank you, Lord, for upholding and teaching us. Also for the internet, come to think of it... Thank you sincerely for offering those perspectives, Watching47. :amen:
It makes sense about Romans 10:9-10, smack in the context of Romans chapters ... Okay everybody. I'm absolutely grateful to our Father and sincerely to you, but this much attention -- (54 posts here) -- is feeling conspicuous. E... Thank you sincerely, Susan. One of my all time favorite flicks back in the 80s was "Short Circuit." Robot Number Five was alive and would insist, "M... That post looked right when I submitted it. Oh well. To clarify: not...
"...to examine precisely what’s happened and now much damage remains in my ... Oh Susan, you and my siblings here are soooo dear to me. Thank you for your ongoing prayers. It almost feels like our Father has healed me beyond an...
Last seen: February 23, 2025 7:27 pm