My birthday is September 25 and I have no opposition whatsoever! :yahoo: :flyup: Becoming a convoidance... :yes: :whistle: :unsure: 😥 :heart: :rose: :good: :stinkerbell: Me too. At Note that my entry doesn't have the "s" in Bgkimbr's has the "s." It's often about exchanging a current digital certificate.
An explanat... As Kolleen mentioned, peanuts went the way of a lot of other COVID traditions, Geri :scratch: B-) It used to be nice. Now gone! So sad. 😥
I ... Well Geri I'm always good, :good: but since sugar has all but disappeared from both our diets, a sugar-free cake didn't appeal to either one of us. B... There's a WhiteStone bithday coming up the day before the Feast of Trumpets. Hopin' Hopin' Hopin' !! Yes Heidi they may, but I suspect they will at the same time step up confusion about whether the "vaccine" is really good or really bad. We may have ... Geiger counters available on Amazon for under $140. Get 'em while they're not hot. :good: Buy extra batteries. :good: Leave these for your left... Maybe regarding Numbers 19 red heifers: ...Jehovah Jireh -- God will provide. God knows how to make red heifers per specification. :yes: What puzzles me is … the Jews believe Rosh Hashanah is the beginning of the New Year so I’m confused about the conflict of when the New Year really co... Request for feedback noted. :yes:
For what it may be worth to you, Geri, Heather R addresses her take on the Daniel 9:27 "confirmed covenant." Skip ... Yohanan wrote, Too many “prophets” with a YouTube channel.
LOL. I never thought of "YouTube Channeling" before, Yohanan. Funny thought... I guess t... Maybe Heather's research mentioned at the bottom would qualify 2023 as she mentions '23, '24, and '25.
Combining 2023 proximities of these two Covers... This from Heather Rivard is a compelling, thorough, and to me a convincing discussion about reasons Nisan 10 of some year must be the beginning of the... I sense that few are posting for lack of something new to offer. A broken record... A broken record... A broken record... A broken record... A br... Dave, I like C J Lovik's presentation. It was up before, last week I think. :yahoo:
How could that sweet little face ever go Postal, TR? :unsure: 🙁 Naw!! :negative: :mdrmdr: Amir's breaking news...
...nor shall they fail to find chocolate! :yahoo: I threw in the towel in January 2021. The people in power will continue top proceed unimpeded by our historic conservatives' nostalgic memories of ho... If you never darken this doorstep again, you'll never see this. But let me ask just in case: "What took you so long?" The White House has also informed the Prime Minister’s Office that due to concerns about COVID-19, Biden will not shake hands with Israeli ministers o... So then what we fellas need to do, Geri, is to stand there alone down front, pretending yet never admitting we feel vulnerable, since we might have ma... Call me an old curmudgeon or grumpy old cynic, but I don't see SCOTUS as being either heroes or villains. They are opportunists who simply removed wh... It's sad that people don't know what they are missing -- what joy and pleasure they could have forevermore. I suppose there are many who believe in "... The 81-year-old Fauci is fully vaccinated and has received two boosters.
Likely saline solution placebo. Far less risk. :yes: :popcorn Oh, I think it was about 1 1/2 years ago, SoReady. It was really nice to be able to modify mistakes in my posts long after the five minutes that we a...
Last seen: February 23, 2025 7:27 pm