"Thou SHALT put thy generator to the test!" :good: :yes: :amen:
Nevertheless, "I led them with cords of kindness, with ropes of love..." (Hosea 11:4)... What this dream is indicating goes against the word of God. For example, not by works, once saved always saved, scores of Scriptures to the contrary,... I don't believe that even the global Elites are stupid enough to try to build a railroad across the ocean. Oy vey! Yet as Forrest Gump's Mama used to ... Let's be fair Yohanan. "M" gets Mothers' Day and "F" gets Fathers' Day. So let there be "L" day, "G" day, and everyone born has a "B-Day," right? S... Wow, So Ready! What amazing Revelations are into this post! I have only read the top six to eight inches on my screen and listen to the first seven m... The Canadian government has been completely penetrated by the WEF.
... and King Charlie ... !!!
:yes: :flyup: :yes: :flyup: :yes: :fly... A strait jacket, Churchgal?? Wow! How obvious! Yesss! That idea could easily catch on and soon added to ADA handicap laws. An acronym SJID signal... Meeting place: Global Media Outreach / GodLife.com, June answering an ad then meeting Dan, an online missionary.
Tonight June from the US South final... Oh Geri! Wow! This you're writing this morning is soooo interesting. Thank you for sharing it, sister. It makes so much sense. :yes: :good:
You t... I am impressed with Colonel Douglas Macgregor. He makes good sense, and he's informed, articulate, realistic, and honest. I suspect you'll like him ... It is likely that spell check corrections find Killeen, Texas and automatically "correct" what is entered. This author's Beliefs and Doctrine about post trib and the 75 days differing from our own Pre-Tribulation Rapture Statement of Faith, boils down to hi... Wow, SoReady! I recommend to RITA Now that your full posted link, i.e., , be read and devoured!
It contains the clearest set of my deepest questions... Kolleen and I will therefore continue to use Stevia, since more children -- (between us we have a satisfying total of nine) -- concerns us not. :negat... the crickets first have to be checked to make sure they “discard their bowel content” before being frozen.
Per Wikipedia --
"Disembowelment or evisce... :flyup: :flyup: As Nisan 10 is April 1 this year, I'm figuring we'll have been gone for at least four days before any April 5 Passover lamb is slain... Wow So Ready! That was almost unbelievable! I am honestly floored and hardly anything does that for me any more. Thanks for posting it. That video... But there's no December 25 yet, only 18 December... I have never followed Glenn Beck for very long -- only occasionally and then briefly -- so I don't know, but I wonder what his eschatological leanings... Nothing new under the sun... 😥 So Ready, maybe try -- Oh Tammie, you are rare among the most avid, involved, well-rounded, multi-talented, versatile, hard-working and articulate people I've ever never m... Is HAM radio kosher? :unsure: My hubby bought a new HAM radio for me
Do each of you have an amateur radio licenses, Tammie? When I was a kid I never took to getting a general clas... 2023 and complete long before the Third Temple, I suspect... :unsure: :yes: 😥 We're all praying for you and the physicians, Scott. Everyone! :prayer-hands:
Last seen: February 23, 2025 7:27 pm