It would be hard to argue with that, So Ready, since we know the intervals have always been 49 years and not 50, yet there are so many converging fact... Okay now, don't get excited, don't get discouraged, because there's an explanation about the trumpets. The Feast of trumpets indeed happened immediate... Yes, So Ready, on all counts. Yet these very things are explained clearly in kmdickenson's post at the top of this thread. Please consider what is the... Daylight in Jerusalem on the Day of Atonement (September 25) would break at at about 11 PM tomorrow night, wouldn't? The Day of Atonement will have ac... Wow Lee! Wouldn't that be noon on the east coast Sunday? Less than a day away? Let's just keep hoping! I'm just sayin' here, not nitpicking, but ...
Last night I was puzzled about seeing Aaron's (God A Minute?) video wherein he reported a comment conta... Hello Kent, I had some trouble until I used a little different process than the one described earlier. I went to profiles / change profile photo, and ... As for ages now, let’s just say Bob is the same age as Israel and I’m considerably younger.
Wow Terry, Bob looks great for being 4,000 years old! B-)... Yes my lovely Kolleen, on this our sixth anniversary I will not disclose your age, nor you're beautiful photograph's age. :negative: :stinkerbell: :he... Jesus said that a wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign and that none would be given. So RITA must remain powerless to avoid inquiring ... Okay, Boulder, I see that ABC News article that leads off with a photograph of bats. Does that ring a bell? Covid? Wuhan? And if you go down a little ... I clearly see that, Boulder, and have read all of them now, since you posted them. In my opinion, all these articles are intended to be scare tactics... I love you my brother in Christ, but I'm sorry, I just don't see this virus is any worse than a hangnail, and the author of the article sensationalizi... A Cornerstone in Zion
Isaiah 28:14-19 BSB
Therefore hear the word of the LORD, O scoffers who rule this people in Jerusalem. For you said, “We have ... As you yourself wrote, Boulder: "The question is when, and in what form." It's foolish to argue about anything either way here without specifying bot... I do believe that Satan’s one last attempt to deceive and rob souls from Christ is a a return of the Nehpilim and the fallen angels just prior to the ... No math problem, Rick...
I was sincerely disappointed to hear CJ Lovik's proposal about 2024 a couple weeks ago and didn't feel like going there agai... I guess I only feign a certain level of tenacity, but Kolleen's tenacity is everywhere in her fabric! But I do try to avoid the ropes as best I can. ... So the Jews would have the ability on Nisan 1 to process one or more red heifers prior to Passover on Nisan 14, right? Of course not to replace a Pas... Well, I'm not going down easy on this, so let me just add that both Barry and Tyler have the same Father. Okay? :mdrmdr: :stinkerbell: Okay, uncle! It's a good thing I did not bet against Kolleen. My bride here is an amazing researcher! :heart: :mail: :yes: :good: I have been examining a lot of my own puzzles about Dr Barry Awe and "Generation2434," i.e., the soft-spoken look-alike. So I have watched carefully, ... Nisan 1 is precisely six months after this Feast of Trumpets. Who knows what is likely to happen exactly six months into the Tribulation? But it might... Uh oh. I had just posted the same YouTube as Geri's about the Worldwide EMP Disaster Drills, then saw that I had duplicated Geri's. So I deleted mine!... Well I am certainly glad you liked it, gratefulforgrace. It sure feels like everything in the entire world is coming "Fast and Furious" these last few... Well, Kolleen and I watched this live last night by Dr Barry Awe, and it enhances all of the things above. This is even more encouraging with its dept... Those archaeologists would wonder how those people who lived way back in 2023 could actually use this stuff that would last for a thousand years. LOL ... That is an interesting thought, Rick, something that would have never occurred to me. I must confess that would be interesting to think about, yet it...
Last seen: January 11, 2025 6:13 pm