I found MaBuS that Geri posted earlier today to be very interesting. Back two weeks also...
These interesting appearances don't validate anything, No... That's cool! Keep on truckin'! Wow -- "two day," Goundhog Day, is also a Tuesday!!
Hebrews 3:13 -- "...exhort one another ... while it is called "TODAY," lest any of you be hardene... I cracked up when I found this in my email in-basket from an old dear sage friend:
Startling Perspective Re Groundhog Day and The State of the Union:... Oh Gary. So many here feel your pain.
I found this article on GraceThruFaith.com. It's not the late Jack Kelley's only response to that verse, and ... Doublespeak? No, not dems! Thanks for the letter link, Blake. Up until right now, even at my advanced age, I had never even heard the term, "macaques," and upon looking that wo... We have been looking a lot at the Hal Turner Ukraine take-aways / expectations here recently. I ran across this from a man I deeply respect with a di... Will try to find the source.
Your research will undoubtedly reveal the source of nuclear materials and gas to be largely underground, Arthur. :mdrmdr... A sub-global / subterranean warming problem for them... They'll be clamoring and scheming for redistribution of health. B-) :yes: Bulletin: Energy sources with their associated delivery systems have become obsolete, according to Turkish and Western officials including California... Still too tall an order, TR, but I committed to conditionally respond...
He commanded and I was created, meaning my entire existence and makeup, and ... Perplexity galore! Maybe if I just stop trying to fir all the puzzle pieces together... Oy vey! :wacko: :wacko: :unsure: :scratch: Wow!! Rumors of wars. Hal Turner bringing this to us. One more week for NATO to respond...? Could be, huh? Makes some sense.
The PM better be careful though. The gay community in Great Britain may misinterpret this order as abolishing man ... Yeah Yohanan, but they expect staff turnover as present jabbed employees pass away. Really it's just to mitigate training costs. :wacko: :wacko: :wac... Okay, I'll add something provided you can first tell me your favorite Bible verse, TR. 🙂 :unsure: :yes: :heart:
PS - it might be related to the ti... Extending a chaos theme, maybe? Enhancing chaos daily, it appears. The devil is gleefully in the details.
A Reuters article I just read claimed, "U.S. airlines have warned the dire... PS -- How do you spell relief? Remember? Just type "SUD." Headed into the assisted living center this morning, as every Wednesday I lead hymn singing and read the Bible starting at 10:00, a relative of a resi... Yeah, Arthur. Be honest. Is your affinity for limiting current events alternating, or direct?
Alternating Realities Thoroughly Hide Unconve... Freezing drizzle isn't usually a problem here around Denver, but stay off the streets !!! Snow-free multi-car accidents galore! I wish I had an extra $5G. B-) By the way, maybe Kolleen as mod, who uses the same IP as I do, could set up an "auto-post-delete" filter for posts with "MyWhiteStone" bylines, doin'... It's an expression. It means, "Okay, I give up!" Nobody ever put you in a hammer lock and demanded you say, "Aunt!" You'd be branded as sexist!
Last seen: February 23, 2025 7:27 pm