We know what Satan has done to people, God has shown us what he does, but we have hope thru Jesus. God shows us to trust Him in life thru His word and... In the last days, we see 2 Thessalonians 2:11, "And for this reason God will send them a strong delusion, that they should believe the lie," showing t... So much has happened since just 1 month and still going. God to me, is trying to wake us up, stay alert and watch. Are you awake? I'm awake Jesus, my... I'm going to say, in short, God is still in control of everything that's happening in the world. All the hate going on towards the Jewish people, all ... I have been praying about this whole election we have been involved in and it's sad that so many don't know Jesus, even ones in the church that say th... Today we will know who will be the next person to be our president or tomorrow but God help us listen to your word and obey. Christians should be for ... @terry It was Fox News site I can't believe what we are hearing in this generation, God wants us to be listening and watching, we are so close to leaving this world with Jesus. R... @patrician When I heard her say such a thing to 2 young men of our country who are against abortion and love Jesus, I cried for this country. Americ... Do you believe America is going to reap from God, as Israel did when they turned their backs on Him. I believe this election coming up with Harris, is... Biden sent Blinken to Israel again to make sure a ceasefire will happen, but we know God's plans are moving faster. This only confirms America is turn... The world is doing what God told us would happen, staying in fear. All we can do now is watch the skies toward the east for Jesus return. We are God's... @erby Just think of all the people that don't understand how satan works or even believe he is real, he says it's all OK, deceiving Adam and Eve he to... You know how we have talked to other Christians, how the AntiChrist will talk during the tribulation to others, smoothly but evil, without them knowin... So I choose the Jesus way with my words, I'm not perfect, but we know when we have Jesus in our heart, we are perfect in God's heart. I was watching this morning and listening to what's happening in the world & America. I realized 2 voices are talking, one of satan and his lies a... Micah 2:1
"Woe to those who plan iniquity, to those who plot evil on their beds! At morning's light they carry it out because it is in their power t... We don't know what tomorrow will bring, but we know God's in control. We know time is short now for Jesus return, get serious!
Last seen: January 17, 2025 10:07 am