Arthur, Could you please explain the difference in all these folks? Many times they are all lumped together and I don't know who is who. The lucifer... I like that he said that any calendar system may be a few years off. Also, that he kept saying "if this is correct" and didn't try to say that this i... So maybe Israel is feeling so secure with their peace agreements and iron dome that they let their guard down for a moment and fail to notice a ground... Could the pole reversal be the sudden destruction and happen at the same time as the rapture and it would just be said that we perished in the destruc... Bumping this encouraging video. Hoping he is right about this being the year. Hoping Heather is right about Nisan 10. Hoping to be out of here soo... Oh my! Just listened to the first posted video by Hemi: Is it a Very Well Designed Killing Machine?
Lord help us! Keeps getting worse. I am still hoping to be gone by May! If it must be by Nisan 10 then that should cover all the calendars. Thanks for the timeline. So what is the alignment shown on the timeline for April 23-30? Some people who believe the calendar if off a month this ye... Well, they would get both.... except for a miracle of God. I always thought the attack would be to get the natural resources. But it doesn't seem li... So, maybe there is some king of peace and safety announcement that there is agreement that Israel can build their temple. Then Turkey and Iran attack... Is this going to be what lights up the Middle East? Turkey and Iran won't go for it. Is the Temple Mount the spoil? This sounds like an any minute ki... I think this announcement could be it because it would really put Christians in danger because we won't go along with it. It is something that God wo... Best I can understand is that there is some kind of alignment of the planets that makes some think it is the end of the age. Also, just like you are ... Maybe peace and safety will be that the 3 major religions are no longer at odds. An announcement from the UN that the trip was successful. If so, I ... I think we will all be under immense pressure if we are still here this summer. Hopefully not. I am hoping for a lower number! The new elections are March 23rd, so maybe a change is coming! Or is the beginning of the tribulation the jubilee year? I forget. I can get myself so confused. That is exactly what I was asking. I like your idea, or maybe Israel would recognize that they still have 7 years left before a jubilee year and be le... Maybe this would bring on sudden destruction? The old and new covenant don't co-exist, right? Have they been having other sacrifices already? For practice? Just not on the temple mount? So, if they have this sacrifice, that is a Mosaic Covenant act, right? So we have to be gone before they do that, right? Seems like this might be the year of our departure! Thanks Regina, all good ideas to think about! I get that. I just mean that at the time the covenant is confirmed, it sounds like it will be confirmed for a period of 7 years. That it is understood... What Heather is saying makes sense. I just don't get the one week part. Why would the Mosaic covenant be confirmed for only one week? Or is one week not the length of the covenant, but just how long of period of time Danie... So the AC will confirm the Mosaic Covenant with Israel. I had always thought there would be a peace treaty that would allow for return to the temple s...
Last seen: February 7, 2025 4:12 am