New today, covering things we've heard before, timely(?), from our English friend... Oh and here's a booster shot three days old... https://raptureandendtimes.com/2021/03/06/rapture-2021-7-super-signs-and-passover/ About what Jesus said to understand regarding the fig tree, Matt 24:32-34, just like when you know that summer is close when you see the fig tree in this condition, those who see "all these things" (which includes tribulation events and the abomination of desolation and the need for those in Judea to flee to the mountains - Matt 24:15-22 - know that Jesus is near, right at the door and this generation who sees all these things will not pass away until all these things take place - Matt 24:33-35. The focus of what Jesus is saying is answering the question, what will be the sign of His coming and the end of the age- Matt 24:3. There was no question about the rapture asked. The rapture was a mystery revealed after the resurrection to Paul - 1Thes 4:13, 1Cor 15:51 1&2 Thessalonians were written c.51AD, 1Corinthians c.55AD Jesus had just finished saying to the crowd and to His disciples - Matt 23:1 -that it was necessary for the religious leadership of Israel to welcome Him, bless His coming for Him to return - Matt 23:37-39. The verse says "Jerusalem, Jerusalem...". The name of a capital city is used to indicate government, authority, i.e. Washington DC, Paris, etc. The remnant of Israel that has survived the tribulation, their leadership whatever it consists of at the time, will call on Jesus and then He will return - Zech 13:7-9, Matt 24:16, Mark 13:14, Rev 12:13-14 Jesus had said to His disciples previously that He would be killed and rise back to life on the third day - Matt 17:22-23. So the disciples are concerned about when Jesus would remain and rule. They want the kingdom of God to begin. What we do know is that the catching away of the church precedes the time of tribulation, so when we see the signs of coming tribulation clearly ahead, we know that the time for the rapture is near, it must come before - The fig trees in Israel are tender, put out leaves and get early fruit in March or April https://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/6111-fig-and-fig-tree "The early figs, appearing in March or April and ripening in June, are called "bikkurah." In the Revised Version this word, in accordance with its etymology, is uniformly rendered by "first ripe fig" (Isa. xxviii. 4; Micah vii. 1; Hosea ix. 10)." Now we are in March 2021 and look at the condition the nations are in and the push for one world false religion. Our savior will catch us up like He promised. We have the sure word of God to reassure us. :flyup: :amen: the heavenly door is about to open VERY soon for us to fly away!!! We are in the last moments before receiving our glorified bodies and meeting in the clouds. We can see the day approaching and will not be taken by surprised (off guard) because .... we are watchers for this grand event. :whistle: Better tell Tammie to hurry up so she doesn't miss the party! Missing her! TR I am hoping for a lower number! 49 more days ... would bring us to ... Friday, April 30th. I got the day marked with an R but I forget what holiday that is or what day that represents? :scratch: This newsfeed just showed up in my inbox ... Biden eyes July 4 for return to “normal” In his first primetime address, the president said he would direct states to make COVID-19 vaccines available to all adults by May 1, and that he hopes small gatherings will be possible by Independence Day. Best I can understand is that there is some kind of alignment of the planets that makes some think it is the end of the age. Also, just like you are watching March 30 for the 3rd day of Passover...some people think the calendar is one month off. Those folks are hot on this date too. A reinterpretation of the Mayan calendar I believe! TR