My grandson's wife is expecting with twins. The boy fetus is not expected to live however, not getting sufficient nutrition. Would that we can agree the Lord's will be done, and that hearts are comforted. Thank You...TR Oh, I’m sorry to hear this, T.R. :prayer-hands: for the Lord’s will and that a great healing miracle happens! Prayers going up for your entire family. :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands: I am sorry to hear this TenderReed. :prayer-hands: Thanks for all the kind thoughts and prayers! Tender Reed :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands: just seeing this...i'm sorry, how sad and scary...praying if it be God's will that He would heal this little one and supply all his needs...prayers for all of you family and especially his mom and dad God is more than able! May He be glorified. TR any updates TenderReed? Not yet! TR Update is that my grandson's wife gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. As expected, the male fetus did not grow sufficiently and died. God be glorified in His wisdom and looking forward to meeting that unborn son in glory! TR Mixed emotions... I believe, TR, that my first bride met our three unnamed children lost to miscarriages shortly after she died in 2015. I'm a bit envious about that, but glad for us, and realize it's just a matter of God's good time. Praying for your family. That death hurts. The Lord knows best. As you say there will be people yet to meet in glory, albeit even family! TR