I submit these thoughts on the matter. Scripture records only two instances when Satan indwells a man. Firstly that was accomplished with Judas. When Jesus spoke thanking the Father for those that had been given him (Apostles), he also acknowledge that one of them was a devil! Secondly we are told that the AC will also be indwelt by Satan! If then history is a template for future events, then it is highly likely that the AC will be Jewish! Would the Rabbi's of the day accept any who wasn't Jewish?! What say you? TR I have often wondered this myself. Reason being, the Jews would only accept a Jewish messiah, right? I mean, from all I have studied, it makes sense that they will not accept a gentile as their messiah... so I would think it would have to be someone who has a claim to being Jewish. That doesn't necessarily mean that they have to living in Israel since there are still more Jews living abroad than in Israel; however, it does make one wonder about the AC's genetic makeup. I have read of others who are convinced that the AC will be Arab, but again, I find this incredibly difficult to believe because the Jews would not accept an Arab as their messiah. Knowing how satan is such a good mimic (though creates a poor representation of Godly things), I can see how he would try to create his AC that mirrors Jesus' birth and heritage or look very "Jesus-like." I disagree about him being Jewish. My reasoning for this is found in several places Biblically. 26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. 27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. Daniel 9:26-27 The grammatical antecedent of "he" in verse 27 is "the prince that shall come" in verse 26. He has a people, a lineage and his ancestors destroyed "the city and the sanctuary." That would not be the Jewish people. It was destroyed in the year 70 by the Romans. The power base of the Antichrist is Europe, not Israel. He heads a group of ten kings linked to the territory of the Old Roman Empire, not Israel. Revelation tells us the Beast arises from "the sea," which symbolizes the nations, not Israel. The False Prophet arises from "the land," which is a common term for Israel, as in "Ha Eretz." http://shalach.org/Antichrist/Antichrist%20Claim.htm I see no Scriptural evidence that the Jews ever accept the Man of Sin as their expected Messiah. They might think that of the False Prophet, however. Remember that their conception of a messiah is not the same as ours. When the Man of Sin declares himself to be God, they will immediately reject that claim and flee. The predecessor for the Man of Sin was Antiochus Epiphanes IV, who was definitely not a Jew. He was, however, one who set up the Abomination of Desolation in the Jewish Temple. I think the type will hold and the final substitute Christ (false) will not be Jewish. Much of this comes from the verse where Jesus says: I have come in my Father's name, and you do not accept me; but if someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him. John 5:43 It only tells us they will "accept" him; it doesn't say they will accept him as the Messiah. He will show no regard for the gods of his ancestors or for the one desired by women, nor will he regard any god, but will exalt himself above them all. Daniel 11:37 Some versions say "God" rather than "gods." Both translations come from the same word, "Elohim." Which is correct depends on the context. I do not offer this as an absolute statement; I acknowledge I could be mistaken in the end. Still, I don't see the case for saying the Jewish people will recognize the "prince that shall come" as their Messiah. "Antichrist" can mean either "opposed to" of "in place of." There will be many false Christs and many false prophets at that time. We are never told Israel recognizes the one who "confirms the covenant with the many" as their Messiah. The mark of the Beast, and compulsory worship of him, only happens in the last 42 months of Daniel's 70th week. All good points, thanks for sharing. Certainly it will someone who shows a concern for the Jews at least. That alone might win over a lot of Jews! Perhaps someone who is not even aware of his lineage, not making that claim. But I still found the example of Judas quite interesting. He certainly plays the part of someone who initially comes close to Christ and then is stolen away by Satan! Could you imagine the many that will forever live with regret of being so close, yet so far eternally! Perhaps Judas is a picture of those of Jewish ancestry who have forsaken Israel and the Jewish messiah in these last days?! In any event I'm not concerned for the AC's specific identity. Just hoping my name isn't in the mix! TR I believe the AC will be Jewish and from the Tribe of Dan. J.R. Church taught this view as well as Prophecy Talk by Erika Grey Genesis 49:16 tells us that Dan shall judge his people as one of the tribes of Israel. The word used for judge means to act as a judge, minister judgment, requite, vindicate, govern, contend, strive, to be at strife, quarrel. Dan will judge his people meaning that the Antichrist will come from the tribe of Dan and will cause them the greatest hardship by acting as a judge for his people causing their judgment. Genesis 49: 17 continues, “Dan shall be a serpent by the way and adder in the path that bites the horses heels so that its rider shall fall backward. When we think of the serpent we think of the Devil who tempted Eve. Dan is a type of Devil whose idolatrous ways will influence the rest of the tribes of Israel in having them fall backwards into idolatry and its lies vs. their allegiance to the God of Israel. This is Satan’s work in Israel and through the ages among the Gentiles. Jeremiah 8:16, which prophesizes about the last days states, “The snorting of his horses were heard from Dan. The whole land trembled at the sound of the neighing of his strong ones: For they have come and devoured the land and all that is in it, the city and those who dwell in it.” In the same context Chapter 17 continues, “For behold I will send serpents among you, Vipers which cannot be charmed. And they shall bite you, says the Lord.” This is the fulfillment back to the prediction that Dan will judge his people and his being a serpent by the way and is talking about the Antichrist’s siege of Israel during the Tribulation. - Fair Use- Not sure if he will be Jewish, although it seems counter-intuitive to me to think that the religious Jews would knowingly follow a gentile messiah. Of course, with the Restrainer removed and deception at work in what is likely to be an unprecedented way, all bets could be off. The whole demonic unity thing of so-called Christians, Muslims, and Jews already defies logic, so it is hard to say exactly how it will play out. Could it be a Roman Jew? I do think that whomever the Jewish people view as being responsible for giving them the third temple will be lifted up as the false messiah, in place of Christ. I think their reaction to President Trump when he moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem was just a taste of what is to come for the man who is recognized as being responsible for having the Temple built. All of that said, I am thankful we have good Biblical reason to be primarily focused on looking for the authentic, genuine Christ, and not the Antichrist. If I thought we were going to have to be here through Daniel's 70th week, I would spend much more time trying to figure out who the AC might be, while probably stocking up on food and guns. Lol...sort of. That always seemed like yet another compelling argument in favor of a pre-tribulation rapture. The post-trib view has you looking for the AC, storing up food, and having absolutely no expectation that Jesus will show up for at least 7 years. Just re-reading that last sentence tells me that view cannot possibly be what God has for His people. I guess that's OK to say on a pre-trib website. Indeed the final act in God's play of righteous judgments befalling mankind does beg a balcony vantage point! Again the only Jewish I need is a carpenter! TR Watchman35, I hold to the church watching the opening of the seals and watching the trumpet and bowl judgments happen in heaven... whether or not we see the results of those things down on earth - I truly have no idea. It is an interesting thought. We at least know that we will find out who the AC is at the end when he is bound and thrown into the lake of fire with the false prophet. The armies of God come back on white horses clothed in white robes of linen... we witness Jesus taking claim of the earth, so I have a feeling we will watch that part up close and personal. To be honest, I don't know that I would want to be able to witness the horrors of the tribulation. Just typing that sentence out and thinking of it seems awful. No, I would prefer to be enjoying the presence of God and maybe sitting and reading in His library... I'm with you on that, yhwhtalmidah. I'd rather enjoy the serenity of His presence or to stroll through His garden than to watch the Tribulation play out. Better a balcony seat, than a front row seat! TR I wonder if the Lord will allow us to watch how the final scenes play out from the balcony seats.
We will probably be too overwhelmed by His glory and consumed by His presence to even think about it. Maranatha!!!