Doesn't it bring you comfort to know that the World Health Organization has a plan to vaccinate the whole world by 2030...? NOT. https://www.who.int/immunization/immunization_agenda_2030/en/ The last sentence says it all ... reminds me of “peace and safety” environment ... “Immunization is an investment for the future, creating a healthier, safer and more prosperous world for all.” Hmmm ... by 2030 though seems so far away ... I wonder if this is the timeline for mid point of the trib.? Speaking of WHO, Please, take it with discernment and wisdom provided by the Holy Spirit. Not surprising. These evil, God hating goons are totally predictable. Definitely tied in with ID2020 and bloodthirsty Bill Gates. My body, my choice. Right? Only if you want to murder your unborn child, apparently. Indeed slightly hypocritical! Bust mostly self serving! Surprised that more don't see the writing on the wall. At every turn they continue to invent new ways in which to cull the world's population, yet the world at large remains brain dead, Why?! People would sooner accept dinosaurs and E.T's. rather than demonically inspired governmental plots! Sadly, this seems to occur time and time again! When I try to shine a light on this phenomenon, I am treated as a nitwit and a leper! Just a casual review of human history reflects no less! TR Just mulling this over some more with the 2030 vision the elite have projected to vaccinate everyone for their perfect utopia world. They don’t realize the judgment of God is coming and could unfold much sooner than year 2030 ... so I take back my thoughts that 2030 could be the mid point of the trib. I think the trib will start much sooner by the way this world is in a major free fall. The one world currency push is in the works. Some watchers on the RITA facebook side are talking about some stores/restaurants in their cities of the U.S. are now not accepting “cash”. This is why the evil, bloodthirsty globalists are so desperate. They know it is go time very soon and they are far from ready. Hence the iron mixed with clay. WHO - not to be trusted! B. Gates - not to be trusted! Dems - not to be trusted! globalist - not to be trusted! far left - not to be trusted! deep state - not to be trusted! oh, my bad, all the same and ... - not to be trusted! God - fully worthy, fully trusted - Lord of Lords, King of Kings, mighty Jehovah! :prayer-hands: Amen, Tammie. Very, very, very few are worthy of our trust in these last and evil days, and only One who is worthy of our unconditional trust. Trust and obey! In the only one who is trustworthy to keep His every promise. And obey His words for they will give us life, and life eternal! TR