Yom Teruah makes a lot of sense for being the start of the Tribulation. Here is a snippet from a good article on the subject: THE FIRST FALL FEAST: THE FEAST OF TRUMPETS The Feast of Trumpets breaks a four-month hiatus after the Spring Feasts. The first thing to understand about the Feast of Trumpets is that… there just isn’t much in the Hebrew Scriptures to understand. Again the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, “Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, ‘In the seventh month on the first of the month you shall have a rest, a reminder by blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation. You shall not do any laborious work, but you shall present an offering by fire to the Lord.’ ” (Lev 23:23-24) That’s it! It’s a holiday for resting and making a joyful noise! And yes, they do blow trumpets… One hundred blasts are blown. The last long blast at the Feast is called “the last trumpet.” While it seems simple on the surface, there are several intriguing and somewhat mysterious aspects to this Feast. First, an interesting thing about the language. The traditional Hebrew name for the feast is Yom Teruah, which I’ve always seen translated as Feast of Trumpets. But the word “trumpets” isn’t actually in the text. The word תְּרוּעָה (terû‘āh) means a sudden clamor. תְּרוּעָה terû‘āh: A feminine noun indicating a shout of joy; a shout of alarm, a battle cry. It… often indicates a shout of joy or victory (1 Sam. 4:5, 6); a great shout anticipating a coming event (Josh. 6:5, 20). It can refer to the noise or signal put out by an instrument (Lev. 23:24; 25:9). Amos used the word to refer to war cries (Amos 1:14; 2:2; cf. Job 39:25; Zeph. 1:16). The Lord puts shouts of joy into His people (Job 8:21; 33:26). http://www.lthompsonbooks.com/blog/trumpets-sleeping-scoffing/ Hi Melissa! You did fine. Welcome to your extended family! We are glad you are here. Yes sir — Ephesians 1:13 “In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit,” — Blessed be the God, our Father for such a promise ….. :prayer-hands: Welcome Melissa!! Thank you for sharing the video... we are to encourage each other all the more as we see the day approaching! :good: Welcome Melissa, great video, thank you. Welcome Melissa, :bye: Thank you for posting this awesome youtube! So glad he clarified this famous misquoted verse “no man knows the day or the hour” really means Jesus is giving us a BIG clue that this is pointing us to Feast of Trumpets. :yahoo: And here people like to look down on us watchers who are looking up at the high watch dates. Shame on them. B-) So are all the 100 trumpet blasts happen the first day … what about closing time when the feast ends … any trumpets then? Also another calendar has Feast of Trumpets a month later in October … so I wonder which calendar the Lord is using? I’m voting our fly away flight is sundown on Sept 6th since it lands on Labor Day and our labor (work) in this world (church age) has ended. :whistle: That last trump will signify FOT is over! TR Welcome to the family Melissa! This video is from a Cardiologist from Armenia — what a testimony — this was posted in May 2021, so many are seem to be following in line with the fact that we are at the door … His love of God and scripture is his testimony! Don't call me Lord! What a conviction for each of us! TR
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