I appreciate the prayers. My Dr thinks he can get remove it. Its my right kidney. I see him Jan 12th for my surgery consult with surgery probably in Feb and radiation and or chemo in late Feb early March. I would appreciate continued prayers. 🙂 I hope everyone has a good Christmas. Please pray to that God will keep my busy until my surgery as well. Thank you 🙂 :prayer-hands: Prayers for the best outcome for you, Boulder. :prayer-hands: Merry Christmas to you as well. Prayers going up for you! What stage is it? I believe it's in the early stage Sonja in case Boulder doesn't get back. Hopefully it can be dealt with and moreover, we will be gone by then! Hang in there bro and trust in Lord and his love for you! These tents we occupy are temporary at best, and then eternal glory awaits us all! Love and blessings, TR Continued prayers for you, Boulder! :prayer-hands: We, unfortunately, live in a world where toxins invade our bodies daily and we need to detox often. Getting your body in an alkaline state keeps cancer away and shrinks tumors. Cancer loves an acid body (sugar, junk foods … ) Try to drink water with lemon. This gets your body into an alkaline state quickly. Google Alkaline foods. Leeks were #1 against kidney cancer. Garlic was #2. But not just garlic and leeks, almost all vegetables from the Allium and Cruciferous families completely stopped growth in the various cancers tested. Additionally, many other vegetables are beneficial for lowering cancer risk, including onions, zucchini, asparagus, artichokes, peppers, carrots and beets. Berries. The ORAC scores of nearly all berries are very high, making them some of the top high-antioxidant foods in the world … Parsley and celery helps fight the growth of cancerous tumor in the breast by blocking the formation of new blood vessel in tumors. Myristicin compound in Parsley oil has also been proven to restrain the growth. Fish oils reduce the risk of polyps in the colon. SELENIUM helps displace heavy metal from the body, Vitamin E helps lower the risk of prostate cancer … - Fair Use - :prayer-hands: Prayer Boulder for healing, strength, and the Lord's peace at this time. Merry Christmas to you also. :prayer-hands: Father God, I pray for Scott, your adopted son by faith in Your Only Begotten Son, Yeshua. I pray You will make Your presence known to him in all the special ways You know will bring Him comfort, calm and peace and even supernatural joy as He rests in a deep awareness of Your goodness and Your love for Him no matter the circumstances. I pray that if it be Your will- to build His faith and help medical staff and others who would hear and witness it to turn to accepting You and praising You- that You would touch his body and free it from cancer even before any treatment for his good and Your glory. Otherwise, I pray that the peace You bless Him with- and his assurance of his salvation by grace- and his lack of pervasive, persistent fear in the face of cancer and the frightening times of surgery and radiation and all the unknowns- will glorify You in his life! We thank You, Abba, for the privilege as Born Again Believers to approach Your throne of grace with confidence on behalf of each other and know we are heard and loved and that anything we pray according to Your will, will be done in Your way and timing, because we come to You asking in the Name of our Lord and Savior, Your Son, Jesus Christ. Great prayer of faith and compassion, Amen and amen! TR
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