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Well Dan to answer you, yes my HAM is very kosher :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: and no Yohanan a spelling backwards is MAH — what is that :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :calvin

We both have a general license. My call sign is KQ4ELO (kilo, Quebec, 4, Echo, Lima, Oscar). Our base station is transportable (can go in the car as well), it has HF and VHF/UHF frequency capacity as well, I like to talk around the world. We have 4 handhelds (the range is shorter, even with the longer antenna - you have to go from repeater to repeater) — The antenna (tower config), is not attached to the house yet. Our neighbors (we have two within a few houses) both have the larger antenna array (one a tower and one horizontal) that we can actually link to.  My hubby is a computer wiz and uses ecolink to connect our HAM to the internet also for now (as a secondary until it is not available). Our HAM club is about a mile from the house (K4CARS in Chesapeake). I am studying for the Amature extra now, heavy test, if we are still here, hope to take it in late January 2023. I bet you did not know that Morse Code is no longer required for HAM….The first step is technical and fairly easy, general and then Amature extra. Still heavily monitored by FCC, but HAM is still a smaller group, many prepper folks are HAM, a few are believers, so we are using it to reach that community as well. So far I am the one of two females in our group and the VA Beach group has none. There is a free handheld being offered until Dec 31 2022. I will get the link to you in a PM and the online study is fairly easy and some free, others in expensive. My husband and I did this as a hobby together, we have fun. We have regular radios too and my granddaughters love to call us like the HAM sets, it’s really cute, our 11 year old is going for her technical next year. We are pushing to get others in the family licensed too. Thanks for asking and I am happy to answer any Q you have —— “73” out :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:

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Thank you Kolleen - you are a blessing and I really appreciate you! :rose:

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Oh Tammie, you are rare among the most avid, involved, well-rounded, multi-talented, versatile, hard-working and articulate people I've  ever  never met.   :yes:   Thank you sincerely for the detail.

You'd lose your bet about Morse code no longer being required.  -.--   ..-   .--.   My buddy told me.

A free handheld, huh?  Sure! PM the link.  Thanks.  I have a old-time buddy about seven miles from me who last year installed a HAM station in his basement.  He had to also run a new 240 volt branch circuit to power the transmitter.  If I get a handheld, I could send him a cell phone text message to meet me at certain time, and then maybe his rig could maybe talk to my new handheld for free! :yes:

Yeah, it seems a pre-arranged prepper club scenario makes good sense for if and when the internet fails widely, no?

73 dear sister!  And thanks again.

PS -- happy belated birthday from this old guy.

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Well — I will take that as a compliment :mdrmdr:  - yes I am still well rounded — working on getting that down some :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:  Covid and moving — not helpful on the weight :mdrmdr:  Oh you meant in knowledge and skills not size — got it :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:

When you reach my advanced age :wacko:  you have learned a few things for sure… Sorry to tell you that although Morse code is taught, not required for the technical license application any longer per the FCC so if they say you need it, don’t believe it …. I sent you the link via PM for HAM prepping, you could do this easy. :yes:   A handheld is limited in range, you can extend the range with a longer attached antenna. Typically, you have about a mile, possibly two depending on time of day, height of buildings/trees around you, unless you can connect to a repeater. We have a Handheld Explorer QRZ-1 and a travel FTM 6000R both by Yaesu. :good:

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rejoicing unto our God with you all dear luvs ~ ~   . .  rejoicing, too how He directs us to be thankful ~~

oh, let's do it! . . gonna do it in Heaven,  . .for,  even now, in spirit our Lord inspires us, yes, ways we may connect to God and His Splendor . . How? ~~ we may dance before the Lord.

. . , our day is coming, dear sibs . ~ . . so praiseworthy is our God Who stirs our spirits ever nearer to Him, up close ~
~, exalting our Triune God? What a blessed Gift and one of the most satisfying experiences is being joyful in His Presence ~ ~

'step by step' we are blessed we are drawn, invited to dance, up close unto our Almighty Majestic Glorious Heavenly King! . ~ ~, in the richness of His eternal Life, our God delights to give us His Word, for He has spoken: "Let them praise Me, and praise My Name with dancing" . .Psalm 149:3
and our God's response? “I love those who love Me, and those who seek Me find Me" ~ ~ Proverbs 8:17

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Great reminder of His love shared and the invitation of a divine romance!   We must be getting close!  How glorious is He, in all His ways, and most importantly His heart towards each of us and all of us!  TR

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I know I will love dancing my way through eternity with Jesus! :rose:


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