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Was a member on the old forum. Need prayer.

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Beloved in Christ,

Hang in there.  The Lord is giving more a chance to find Him and become His Beloved, too.  His heart is to save more souls and therefore we must soldier on. Time is marching on His clock.   Satan would like you to believe what you stated. No, you focus on a kind word , a helpful hand of support,  etc, to someone else.  Focus on others and you won't see so much your own concerns.   See the worth the Lord sees in you.  We are the Army of the Lord .  Make sure your spiritual armor is on.  Cover yourself in the precious Blood of Jesus.  Ask for oil for your lamp so it doesn't go out.  With His help you can not only do this for yourself but for others as well.  Nothing can stop the Son.


Pray for your angel's strength and that of their weapons, along with yours.  When you pray you strengthen your angels, and  their weapons in defending you and your own spiritual protections and weapons need strengthening as well.    Use that Sword of the Word.  That shield of faith and make sure your armor is secure day and night..


The saints are ready to March in.  Prepare yourself.  You have a purpose, a duty, a job to do.  Let Jesus and His angels minister to you and the rise with determination to this tune, "When The Saints Go Marching In."  Tell satan off.  He's not going to win.  Jesus won't let him and neither will you.  Miracles are on their way bigger than you can imagine.  Hang in there.  God bless and stand strong!

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"When The Saints Go Marching In"


Oh, when the Saints go marching in

When the saints go marching in

Oh, Lord, I want to be in that number

When the Saints go marching in


And when the sun refuses to shine (begins) to shine

and when the sun refuses (begins) to shine

Oh, Lord, I want to be in that number

When the Saints go marching in.


When the moon turns red with blood

When the moon turns red with blood

Oh, Lord, I want to be in that number

When the Saints go marching in.


On that hallelujah day

On that hallelujah day

Oh, Lord I want to be in that number

when the Saints go marching in


Oh when the trumpet sounds the call

Oh when the trumpets sounds the call

Oh Lord I want to be in that number

when the Saints go marching in


Some say this world of trouble

Some say this world of trouble

Oh Lord, I want to be in that number

When the new world is revealed.


When the revelation (revolution) comes

When the revelation (revolution) comes

Oh Lord I want to be in that number

When the Saints go marching in


When the rich go out and work

When the rich go out to work

Oh Lord I want to be in that number

When the Saints go marching in


When the air is pure and clean

When the air is pure and clean

Oh Lord I want to be in that number

When the Saints go marching in


When we all have food to eat

When we all have food to eat

Oh Lord I want to be in that number

When the Saints go marching in.


When our leaders learn to cry

When our leaders learn to cry

Oh Lord I want to be in that number

When the Saints go marching in



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Hi Betamax.  I am genuinely sorry for the pain and difficulties you find yourself in, which by your own words apparently stem from unwise, ungodly choices.  That said, nothing you have done exceeds the still-available reservoir of God's mercy and grace.  I have a very hard time when people just throw what comes across as a trite verse or passage of scripture when I am struggling, so that is the last thing the I want to do to you.  At the same time, I feel led to share what the Lord is placing on my heart.  If you are willing, stand up right now, literally, and turn 180 degrees in a symbolic outward gesture of faith expressing your willingness to repent and return to your first love.  Then come back and read the rest of this post, which is nothing but scripture:

Hear...Hear...Hear the Word of the Lord!!!

Luke 15:17-24 17 “But when he came to himself, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger! 18 I will arise and go to my father, and will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you, 19 and I am no longer worthy to be called your son. Make me like one of your hired servants.” ’

20 “And he arose and came to his father. But when he was still a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him. 21 And the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight, and am no longer worthy to be called your son.’

22 “But the father said to his servants, 'Bring out the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet. 23 And bring the fatted calf here and kill it, and let us eat and be merry; 24 for this my son was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ And they began to be merry.


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Betamax just as the Prodigal son knew that he had nothing to offer his father with which to redeem himself, he expressed to his father his total unworthiness. The young man may have felt ‘unworthy’ but he missed one very important point. While he may have ‘felt’ unworthy, his father considered him to be of great worth.  God feels the same way about you come home! :amen:

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Be comforted by our Lord's announcement dear one, that God has hold of you as solid as the Spirit abiding in you ~~   . . through all our moods which is part of this journey on earth our FATHER is the strength of`knowing JESUS and HIS TRUTH   ~ ~   Christ's Gift  of amazing forever Saving Grace is most valuable, real and everlasting . .  "I have loved you with an everlasting love" declares our Lord of Mercy and Love . .  ~    our God is true, ever faithful and His gifts are irrevocable ~

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