That's what happens when morons are in charge. Of all countries, that should not surprise us. Author and filmmaker Mike Cernovich tweeted out the news today that British troops are directing air strikes in Ukraine. The globalist elites want their world war! German forces were also caught on audio discussing blowing up bridges to Crimea! They really, really want a World War! https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/03/world-war-iii-watch-british-troops-are-directing/ The U.S. cannot afford a war with China. The size of our military has been shrinking, and our resources are stretched way too thin. Today, the U.S. has military bases in 80 different countries, and we have troops stationed in 178 different countries. That is insane. No empire in the entire history of humanity has had forces spread all over the planet like this. Our ammunition levels are extremely low due to major conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine, and every war game that our leaders have conducted has shown us losing a war to protect Taiwan. So we should be trying to avoid sparking a war with China, because we are holding a losing hand. But our politicians seem determined to provoke one anyway. It is being reported that officials in Taiwan have confirmed that U.S. forces are now permanently stationed “on its islands in the Taiwan Strait”… This is going to make Chinese authorities extremely mad. It would have been bad enough if we had just put troops on Taiwan’s main island. But we didn’t stop there. We are being told that U.S. troops have also been stationed on the Penghu islands and the Kinmen islands… How would we feel if Chinese troops were one mile from the U.S. border? Taiwan’s main island is approximately 100 miles from China, but in some places, the Kinmen islands and China are “barely more than a mile apart”… What are our leaders thinking? This doesn’t make war less likely. It makes war more likely. On Wednesday, China sent 32 warplanes toward Taiwan in a 24-hour period… The Chinese do this sort of thing when they are upset. And right now they are very, very upset. And China has been feverishly preparing for the coming war… Spreading your resources way too thin is a sure way to lose. Unfortunately, our politicians don’t seem to understand this, and their very foolish decisions will soon lead to absolutely disastrous consequences. https://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/u-s-troops-are-one-mile-from-the-chinese-border/ Now that the United States is overextended militarily with simultaneous proxy engagements in the Ukraine-Russia and Israel-Gaza wars, many fear that China will take advantage of this situation and make a decisive move towards the island of Taiwan, potentially taking the American military capabilities to the brink. So, yesterday (2), on an eventful day that saw the strongest Taiwan earthquake in 25 years, as well as a telephone conversation between US President Joe Biden and Chairman Xi Jinping, the Chinese PLA (People’s Liberation Army) decided to make yet another show of force over and around the contested island. Dozens of Chinese warplanes and multiple naval ships were reported around Taiwan in the largest coordinated display this year.World War III Watch: British Troops Are Directing Air Strikes in Ukraine – Germany Discusses Blowing Up Bridge in Crimea – The Globalist Elites Want Their World War:
After all, it’s not their kids they are sending off to Ukraine.U.S. Troops Are One Mile From The Chinese Border:
WW3 WATCH: China Sends 30 Planes and 9 Vessels Over and Around Earthquake-Stricken Taiwan, in a Major Show of Force – Escalation Came Right After Biden and XI-Jinping Call: