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Ukraine-Russia Conflict v.2

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I believe it's true but I am surprised Putin is a Freemason. He just doesn't seem like your average 'team player' ya know?

Patricia N.
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Rumors of War:

Rumors of war are flying with a fury out of Ukraine and Russia. Massive numbers of troops are on the move. Almost unfathomable levels of firepower are being mobilized. Jesus warned that the last days would be characterized by rumors of war.

One of the most famous and detailed prophecies in the Bible concerns an invasion of Israel by a confederation of nations. Chapters 38 and 39 of Ezekiel give the details, including a specific list of the nations involved. The first two verses say, “And the word of the Lord came to me saying, ‘Son of man, set your face toward Gog of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal, and prophesy against him.’”

It’s obvious from that passage and others that Gog is not a nation, but a national leader. The word “Gog” means “high,” “top guy,” or “supreme.” The first-century Jewish historian, Josephus, wrote that, “Magog is called the Scythians by the Greeks.” The Greeks used the word “Scythia” to refer to the region north and east of the Black Sea. Today, that includes, not just Russia, but also Ukraine.

Whatever Putin’s motivations (and there are many), one really important fact stands out. His actions fit Bible prophecy to a tee. At some point in the future, Ukraine will again come under Russian control. And it may be only a matter of days.

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It's gonna be soon! So excited! I love Amir's last statement. No fear. Total confidence that it is going to happen just like God said.

Patricia N.
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WAYNE ROOT: Here’s The Shocking Reason Why Putin is Invading Ukraine:

The lesson is “peace through strength.” Only by being tougher than the other guy can you avoid conflict.  That perfectly describes President Donald J. Trump. I can picture Trump telling Putin, “If you attack Ukraine, we will bomb Russia to oblivion. Don’t try me.” And Putin never did. Putin behaved while Trump was president.

But Putin knows Biden is a feeble old man with dementia. Putin knows he can walk all over him. That’s first and foremost what this is all about. Intimidation.

Putin is a bully. He will try to get away with as much as he can, while flexing his muscles and humiliating Biden. Putin wants to show the world that Russia is the world power now. And America is a paper tiger.  Putin wants to show the world he is the big man on campus, with the big stick.  And of course, Putin also wants to rape and pillage the abundant natural resources of Ukraine- especially the oil and gas reserves. After all, it’s always about the Benjamins.

But there’s also a shocking bonus to all of this that no one else is talking about.  I believe Putin is sick and tired of hearing Biden and America’s politicians lecture him about “Russia’s corruption.” Putin knows Biden is filthy dirty. Putin knows the Biden Crime Family has taken kickbacks and payoffs all over the world. He knows Joe Biden is “the Big Guy” who expects a piece of every deal. Biden lecturing others about corruption is like the mafia lecturing about extortion.

Putin knows the center of Biden’s corruption was in Ukraine. Biden and his family intimidated, extorted, and literally raped Ukraine. A little birdie tells me this is the big bonus for Putin
after he invades and conquers Ukraine. He will capture and torture everyone involved in shady deals with Biden in order to unearth the secrets of Biden’s filthy corruption.

Then Putin has two juicy options. Behind door #1: Expose Biden’s massive crime wave in Ukraine, shock the world, make Biden step down, embarrass and demoralize the United States, and paralyze America’s government. This makes Russia the new big bad sheriff in town.

Behind door #2: Putin can blackmail Biden, hold his secrets over his head, in order to get whatever Putin wants. Suddenly Biden is Putin’s b***ch. The same relationship China already has with Biden. China has the goods on Biden. They clearly own Biden lock, stock, and barrel. Now it’s Putin’s turn.

. . . . when bullies sense weakness, they immediately attack. China is watching closely. If Putin takes Ukraine, outplays and humiliates Biden, China will absolutely invade Taiwan.

We are watching history unfold. Tragically, all of it is bad for America. Don’t you wish Trump was back in the White House? Unfortunately, tragically, this is proof that rigged elections produce bad consequences.

Patricia N.
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Ukraine hit with another massive cyber attack; one GOP senator warns Russian missile strikes could follow:

The Ukrainian government said it was hit with another critical cyber attack on Wednesday, this one taking down several government websites and banks in the Eastern European country.

The attack, called a mass distributed denial of service attack, or DDoS, reportedly began around 4 p.m. local time, according to a post by Mykhailo Fedorov, head of Ukraine’s Ministry of Digital Transformation, CNBC reported.

In a post on his Telegram, Fedorov reported that websites for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cabinet of Ministers, and Verkhovna Rada, the country’s parliament, were among those affected by the attack. The government websites were offline as of Wednesday morning as officials attempted to switch traffic to another provider in order to minimize damage.

CNBC noted that a DDoS attack is when a hacker floods a target's network or server with traffic so that others can't access it.

Republican Sen. Marco Rubio said in a tweet Wednesday that massive cyber attacks on the Ukrainian government and the disruption of communications were part of Russia's plan.  He also warned that the cyber attacks would be "followed by targeted missile strikes against air defense sites [and] ammunition/weapons depots."

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Purim is Feb. 26 on the Essene Calendar.

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Carry on here.

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