Dear Patricia N, I would like to offer a sincere apology if I have offended you or hurt your feelings in any way. It was not my intention at all. Perhaps I have spent too much time on the headlines in the mainstream news and was beyond my fill, and needed a break. I am a grown girl and can learn to take a break and be offline if that what is needed and that is what I should have done without saying anything that might deter from your fellowship with us. Many of us have enjoyed your posts and fellowship including the news that reflects the sign of the times which is one of the things that we need to be aware of and in prayer about. Please don't hesitate to return and post away, and we will continue to chat, pray and watch together for our wonderful Blessed Hope. :rose: Your sis in Christ, Jackie Bless your heart Jackie! TR Patricia, please come back! You are missed and we have noticed your absence, which in no way was meant to be. We're all siblings in the family of our Lord, and we need you here. :bible :rose: :heart: :rose: Yes, we love and miss you dear! TR Psalm 133: Our Unity Dear Jackie and all, Thank you for your kind words. I felt that I was causing division in the group and that I should just leave, which was a shame since I have come to think of this site as "home." So much is happening these days on the prophecy front that I would like to post, but I will be more careful now. Thanks, I so appreciate your insights Patricia and have missed your commentary while you out. Glad to see you back! Yay, you are back. Keep posting please. You never know what kind of reaction you will get on a post. Hopefully we can all be gracious. You never know what people are going to want to discuss. Indeed to err is human, but to forgive divine! Truly, we are indeed so near to physical redemption we need to continue to encourage one another! No one can keep an emotional high forever in this life but friends can keep despondency at bay! TR I appreciate everyone here. I don't have anyone else in my life I can share these things with.
Hine ma tov u’ma-nayim, shevet ach-im gam ya-chad. These Hebrew words are familiar to anyone who attends synagogue regularly. “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” (Ps. 133:1).
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