When two parties are negotiating over a solution to a disputed piece of land, the two basic options are a one-state solution or a two-state solution. When one of the lead negotiators indicates that a one-state solution is not being considered, he is by implication in my estimation, even if he carefully avoids using the actual words, revealing his intention to pursue a two-state solution. This does not bode well for America. Even if for the sake of 10 righteous Lord, would you spare the nation until the righteous are removed? Far be it from You to destroy the righteous with the wicked. Save as many as would be saved, Abba, and then send Your Son for His Bride before your justified righteous anger is unleashed upon America. Maranatha!!! Then give a listen to this Steve Monette video correlating several instances that have already occurred where developments in the current peace plan negotiations have triggered "coincidental" natural disasters in America. (Caution: there is one line in Steve's video about the 6th seal potentially being opened that sounded like a note out of key to me. If by saying that he is implying that he believes the first five seals have already been opened, I would respectfully and quite strongly disagree with that. But his other thoughts on the topic seem very insightful to me.) Boding well for America or the world is not a major priority for God in this day and time. His tough love must sometimes be demonstrated. I am keenly aware that we here and on most Christian websites must view all things from the lens of God's intentions and will. We all keep a close watch towards the days events which unfold to reveal the plans of God, and frustrate the plans of men! We continue to approach every wind of the Spirits movement for and against men. Ever mindful that we could be called home at any moment. May this Blessed Hope that our hearts have been gifted with, continue and be upheld by the wisdom of the Lord! Let us continue to glory in all that the hand of the Lord accomplishes. Let us always be encouraged in the knowledge that the Lord speaks from His throne. Let us not be lost in the details of His daily ministration of His affairs. But always bring to remembrance the end of His work. Be blessed today, tomorrow and forever! TR
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July 21, 2019 2:34 pm
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July 22, 2019 7:20 am